Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five (2008)

Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five Poster

Ordered to teach a martial arts class of rambunctious bunny kittens, Po tells stories of each of the Furious Five's pasts.

"Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five" is a 2008 animated short film that is a spin-off of the initial movie "Kung Fu Panda". The film was produced by DreamWorks Animation and directed by Raman Hui and Jennifer Yuh Nelson. While Jack Black reprises his role as Po, the titular Panda, Dustin Hoffman return as Master Shifu and is additionally joined by the voice cast members of the Furious Five; Angelina Jolie as Tigress, Jackie Chan as Monkey, Seth Rogen as Mantis, Lucy Liu as Viper, and David Cross as Crane.

The story starts when Master Shifu assigns Po, the Dragon Warrior, a new responsibility which is to teach an introductory class of kung fu to a group of bunny kids. At first, Po is baffled by the task as he is more utilized to eliminating than mentor. Besides, the children are more thinking about learning the kung fu relocations than the viewpoint behind it.

To keep their interest, Po narrates the story of each member of the Furious Five, explaining their distinct courses to kung fu mastery and the challenges they overcame. He concentrates on the truth that they weren't born as warriors, but their virtues made them so. The virtues being; Tigress's determination, Monkey's compassion, Mantis's perseverance, Viper's courage, and Crane's discipline. The stories not only revealed their shift from ordinary to extraordinary but likewise showcased that they struggled to manage their strengths and discovered their lessons the difficult method.

Knowing Lesson
By using the Furious Five's story, Po emphasizes the significance of discipline, making use of abilities for excellent purposes, the worth of persistence, the will to deal with worries and finally the requirement for a private to discover their path. These are not just crucial to mastering Kung Fu but also relevant to their everyday life.

Ultimately, Po finds an unexpected risk in the type of an over-enthusiastic bunny kid who triggers havoc. However, rather of resorting to force or anger, Po manages to utilize patience and understanding, practicing what he preached to the kids. The event strengthened the-lessons they simply discovered; you do not need to be the most significant or strongest to be a hero and the true essence of kung fu lies not in fighting, but in perseverance, discipline and compassion, efficiently teaching the children the values of kung fu.

Important Reception
"Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five" is typically applauded for its innovative storytelling and animation design, which is a mix of standard 2D and 3D. The brief film's underlying messages and character-focused tales provide a much deeper understanding of the Furious Five's backstory while using valuable life lessons.

In conclusion, "Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five" is a delightful growth of the original Kung Fu Panda universe. The film offers a fresh viewpoint by highlighting virtues over abilities and making the point that a hero can take any type.

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