Lost and Delirious (2001)

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After starting at an upmarket boarding school, a teenage girl forms close friendships with her two older roommates. However, when she discovers that her new friends are lovers she finds herself caught in a complicated situation.

Movie Plot Summary
"Lost and Delirious" is a 2001 coming-of-age drama directed by Lea Pool, based upon the unique "The Wives of Bath" by Susan Swan. The movie tells the story of 3 ladies studying in a personal boarding school, where their deep friendship gradually progresses into enthusiastic love, resulting in a tragic climax.

Characters and Setting
The story is narrated by Mary Bedford, also called Mouse, a brand-new student at the elite boarding school. The other two central characters are her roommates, Pauline (Paulie) Oster and Victoria (Tori) Moller, who share a deceptive intimate relationship. The film is set in a picturesque girls boarding school, which, behind its lovely exteriors, harbors the complex world of teenage emotions, love, and disobedience.

In the start, Mouse is an outsider to the extremely enthusiastic relationship between Paulie and Tori. Nevertheless, as she gradually becomes an integral part of their lives, she discovers their secret romantic involvement. As their secretive relationship becomes more intense, the ladies' friendship is evaluated. Paulie openly declares her love for Tori, however, Tori, afraid of societal repercussions and peer pressure, rejects her feelings for Paulie.

Love, Denial, and Heartbreak
Tori ends the relationship to maintain her heterosexual image, leading Paulie into an envious rage and heartbreak. Her unsatisfied love for Tori alienates her from the mainstream, and the once-strong friendship bond falls apart. Several scenes portray Paulie's profound emotional upheaval as she handles her profound loss and despair. Tori, on the other hand, tries to suit the 'normal' social structures, hence becoming significantly alien to her previous fan and good friend.

Climax and Conclusion
Paulie's unending love and heartbreak eventually lead her to a perilous path. Her fixation with saving a wounded falcon represents her effort to heal her damaged relationship, which unfortunately causes tragic repercussions. In the climax of the movie, tortured by her unrequited love, Paulie commits a bold act on the school roof in an uncomfortable expression of her excruciating despair. Her tragic end forces each character to challenge the extreme judgments rendered by societal standards. The movie concludes with Tori and Mouse exceptionally impacted by the effects of closeted emotions and social pressures.

Thematic Interpretation
"Lost and Delirious" is an effective portrayal of puppy love, heartbreak, desperation, and the brutal suppression caused by societal understandings of sexuality. It showcases the fine line in between deep relationship and love, and the severe repercussions faced by those who attempt to cross it. It checks out the depths of adolescence where love, rebellion, id, and social acceptance intermingle.

In summary, the movie leaves a lasting effect with its intense romance, informing tale of suppression, disobedience, and the agony of unsatisfied love. "Lost and Delirious" is a poignant narrative about girls discovering their identities but being forced to reduce their feelings due to social standards.

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