Love in the Afternoon (1957)

Love in the Afternoon Poster

Lovestruck conservatory student Ariane pretends to be just as much a cosmopolitan lover as the worldly mature Frank Flannagan hoping that l’amour will take hold.

Introduction and Plot Overview
"Love in the Afternoon" is a well-known movie directed by Billy Wilder in 1957. This romantic funny features the legendary Hollywood stars Audrey Hepburn, as Ariane Chavasse, and Gary Cooper as Frank Flannagan.

The motion picture basically focuses on the story of how the lovely and young Ariane falls for a much older male, the womanizer Flannagan. The plot flies when Ariane's father, Claude Chavasse, a private detective, is employed to investigate Flannagan's adulterous relationships.

Problems and Character Dynamics
Ariane, interested by the files about Frank Flannagan's affairs that her father is investigating, decides to fulfill him under an alias and to play a game of seduction. To tip the chances in her favor, she pretends to be a woman of the world with numerous affairs as well, using Frank's own strategy to attract him. The vibrant between Cooper and Hepburn in these scenes produces an interesting and suspenseful atmosphere.

The love in between Ariane and Flannagan starts to deepen. Ariane, the young innocent cellist, acts as the mysterious femme fatale to keep Frank's interest. Nevertheless, she has no genuine romantic history and everything she states is a lie. As a result, their whole relationship is based upon deception, which supplies a constant source of tension and funny throughout the film.

Turning Points and Climax
Things deviate when Frank learns Monsieur X (Mr. X), the man who worked with Ariane's father to investigate his affair with Frank's then-girlfriend, wishes to kill Frank. Taking it as a joke initially, Frank rapidly understands he's in grave risk. However, instead of fleing, he gets interested by the impending risk and decides to deal with Mr. X at the Ritz. In the midst of all these, Ariane's dad discovers her relationship with Frank, raising additional issues.

In the climax of the movie, Mr. X arrives at the Ritz with a weapon, only to discover Ariane confessing her level of sensitivity and vulnerability to Frank. This marks a considerable pivotal moment in their relationship, as it ends up being obvious that Ariane genuinely enjoys Frank who appears to reciprocate her sensations.

Resolution and Conclusion
Frank cancels his trip to Venice and chooses to stay back, signaling he wants to continue seeing Ariane. All ends well as the weapon in Mr. X's hand shows to be a bejeweled garter handgun without bullets.

"Love in the Afternoon" is an interesting mix of mystery, love, and comedy. The movie with its twists and turns reveal the substantial styles of love, innocence, risk, and deception in an amazing way. The film's strengths lay in its screenwriting, instructions, and the performances by Audrey Hepburn and Gary Cooper, marking it as a classic of the golden age of Hollywood.

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