Macon County Jail (1997)

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After she leaves her cheating husband, Susan Reed embarks on a cross-country road trip where she falls victim to a series of mishaps that land her behind bars in the redneck Macon County Jail. Once inside, she's subjected to endless acts of brutality from the guards and inmates alike. Things go from bad to worse when she's forced to defend herself against a rapist with tragic results. No longer truly "innocent," when the opportunity arises Susan flees with fellow prisoner Coley.

"Macon County Jail" is an action-packed, criminal offense filled thriller film released in 1997. The film is directed by Victoria Muspratt and stars Ally Sheedy and David Carradine. Set in the Southern United States, the film is a gripping tale of thriller and excitement that fits together aspects of drama and criminal activity.

Plot Summary
The movie revolves around the character Susan, translated by Ally Sheedy, who starts the story stuck in a violent relationship. She chooses to escape from her sweetheart in California and drives towards Atlanta. Susan's journey takes a remarkable turn when she's pulled over by an uneven deputy in Macon County for a minor traffic violation. The corrupt cop attempts to sexually assault Susan, resulting in her shooting him in self-defense.

Susan gets wrongfully accused of attempted murder and is arrested, pressed quickly through the justice system, and is dungeoned in the Macon County jail. Here she fulfills many unusual prisoners amongst whom is Coley, played by David Carradine, a kind-hearted, considerate male wrongly accused of murder, serving out his sentence while waiting for trial.

Remarkable Escalation
In jail, Susan and Coley construct a bond over their comparable predicaments, both being victims of the manipulated legal system. The story takes another turn when a riot happens in the jail due to an event including detainees assaulting guards. Taking this chance, Coley and Susan manage to leave from the prison during the chaos. They leave together, handcuffed to one another, making their bold escape more tough and interesting.

On the Run and Conclusion
The remainder of the movie follows the 2 characters as they attempt to evade the authorities while handcuffed together, drawing comparisons with the likes of classic thrillers like "The Defiant Ones". Coley, who has accepted his fate of passing away in jail, sees this as a possibility at flexibility. All at once, Susan sees it as an opportunity to prove her innocence. Throughout their journey, they have lots of close encounters with law enforcement.

Towards completion, Susan helps Coley get in touch with a press reporter who helps expose the reality about his case, causing his exoneration. While attempting to get away the last fight with the police, Coley is shot and eliminated. Ultimately, Susan has the ability to show her innocence with proof left behind by Coley, which shows the corrupt nature of the officer who tried to assault her.

Overall Summary
"Macon County Jail" is a tightly packed thriller film that mainly explores themes of damaged police and the battle for justice. The story arcs of Susan and Coley bring to life an appealing chemistry which adds an unique spin to this drama thriller. It showcases thriller, action, drama, and a dash of romance, making this movie a captivating watch with an unpredictable story. Ultimately, the film talks to themes of justice, stability, nerve, and determination in the middle of hardships.

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