Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas (1994)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas Poster

Alpha 5, Zordon, and the kids from Angel Grove celebrate Christmas.

"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas" is a direct-to-video Christmas special for the Power Rangers series launched in 1994. It boldly departs from the traditional plotlines of the series, concentrating on a more festive, sincere holiday theme. The 23-minute movie takes a deep dive into the character of Alpha 5, the robotic assistant to the Power Rangers group who normally takes a backseat function.

The story of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas" revolves around the robot Alpha 5, who is feeling lonesome in the Command Center as the Power Rangers are too hectic with their Christmas preparations to spend time with him. Zordon, the mentor to the Rangers, senses Alpha's unhappiness and creates a magical Christmas tree, which brings children from worldwide to the Command Center to cheer up his devoted assistant.

Alpha 5, thrilled with the unforeseen company, decides to host a Christmas party. With his newly found pals, Alpha decorates the Command Center, sings Christmas carols like 'Jingle Bells', 'Silent Night', and 'Twelve Days of Christmas', and loads Santa's sleigh with presents. In this jolly setting, Alpha's spirits are uplifted as he spends a jubilant Christmas surrounded by children and their festive energy.

Production and Release
"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas" is identified by its low-budget looks and basic plotline. Unlike common episodes of the series with action and battling scenes, this motion picture is mainly a musical experience stressing the spirit of Christmas. It was directed by Vickie Bronaugh and featured Richard Steven Horvitz as the voice of Alpha 5. The human children featured in the film were portrayed by uncredited amateur actors.

This video special was launched on October 19, 1994, and was not gotten as part of the main Power Rangers timeline by the fans and critics. It also did not air on television but was only launched on VHS, which contributed to its obscurity.

"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas" received combined reactions. Though it was valued for its special method and effort to include depth to the usually simple character of Alpha 5, the discrepancy from the common action-packed Power Rangers design left numerous fans unsatisfied. Its simplistic story and over-dependence on musical numbers were likewise points of criticism.

However, in the years since its release, "Alpha's Magical Christmas" has actually been concerned by some as a charming piece of Power Rangers fond memories, testimony to its daring departure from the status quo of the series to imbibe the spirit of Christmas.

"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas" may not be a classic Power Rangers' action-filled experience however it effectively draws out the essence of Christmas and demonstrates the importance of friendship and happiness through the eyes of Alpha 5. With its design frenzy, carol singing, and present-giving, the movie provides a wholesome, albeit unusual, addition to the world of Power Rangers.

Top Cast

  • Richard Steven Horvitz (small)
    Richard Steven Horvitz
    Alpha 5 (voice)
  • Amy Jo Johnson (small)
    Amy Jo Johnson
    Kimberly Hart
  • David Yost (small)
    David Yost
    Billy Cranston
  • Jason David Frank (small)
    Jason David Frank
    Tommy Oliver
  • Steve Cardenas (small)
    Steve Cardenas
    Rocky DeSantos
  • Johnny Yong Bosch (small)
    Johnny Yong Bosch
    Adam Park
  • Karan Ashley (small)
    Karan Ashley
    Aisha Campbell
  • David Fielding