One Glorious Day (1922)

One Glorious Day Poster

Ek is a disembodied spirit, required to wait his turn in the boring cosmos until he is allowed to inhabit an earthly body. Impatient, he sneaks off to earth to find a body and, after several failed attempts, finds Professor Ezra Botts, a timid old pedant and researcher of psychic phenomena. Life fairly well kicks Professor Botts around as it does all timid souls, and he gets little love or respect. But during an experimental trance, he is able to leave his body behind and at that moment, Ek sees his chance and slips in, taking over the professor's body. The "new" professor is energetic, charismatic, and dynamic, and from the limbo in which he floats, the real professor fears that Ek is going to wear out the tired old body before he, Botts, can return to it. And just how is he supposed to get back into his body, anyway?

Film Overview
"One Glorious Day" is a 1922 American silent funny movie that masterfully marries elements of the supernatural with laughter. The film was produced through the collective efforts of Realart Pictures Corporation and Famous Players-Lasky Corporation and directed by the famous James Cruze. Will M. Ritchey adapted the movie script based upon Irvin S. Cobb's narrative, "Alias Ben Wilson".

Main Cast and Characters
A superb ensemble of skilled stars brings the characters of "One Glorious Day" to life. The protagonist, Professor Ezra Botts, is played by Will Rogers, who remarkably portray the characteristics of a quaint scholar. The story of the movie revolves around Botts and a spirit named Ek, voiced by Douglas MacLean. The production hosts a hall of famers cast, consisting of Lila Lee, Alan Hale Sr., Arline Pretty, and many others.

Professor Ezra Botts, a peaceful sociology trainer at Livermore College, is the lead character of the film. He gets himself into a highly extraordinary circumstance when a mysterious spirit named Ek picks him as a medium. Ek, a high vibrational entity from the undetectable world, chooses to appear in real life and chooses Botts as his host body, who is not passionate about this brand-new resident at first.

Ek's existence is revealed in the form of a book entitled "One Glorious Day", released and distributed by Professor Botts' well-meaning however meddlesome housemaid, Mrs. Martin. Ek's possession of Botts leads to a radical transformation of the teacher, basically altering his character and way of life.

Twist and Turns
"One Glorious Day" collects momentum with the unfolding of many comedic occasions and situations. Botts' transformation gives amusement in addition to the root of many uncomfortable minutes. Culminating into the bizarre adventures and miraculous leaves carried out by Botts.

Botts was initially hesitant about Ek's possession, who prided itself on raising human awareness level. Still, he gradually starts to take pleasure in the benefits of this new, empowered form. Ek, through the body of Botts, thinks that his mission is to enlighten others and encourage them to develop a high spiritual vibration level.

"One Glorious Day" is then filled with a number of amusing circumstances of Ek trying to spread enlightenments coming across both whacky difficulties and effective transformations-- all mediated through Professor Botts' body. Unsuspecting Botts-Ek has ended up being a local sensation and the focus of community-wide intrigue, with his overtly eccentric habits and wisdom-filled workshops.

In the culmination and climax, Botts' romantic participation with Lucy, another character in the movie, led to the banishment of Ek from Botts' body. The film ends with Botts learning more about Ek's departure, having another unwary human. It leaves the audience expecting the comic and transformative journeys the new host would start.

Total Assessment
"One Glorious Day" is a classic testament to the genius of early 20th-century filmmakers, who magnificently mastered the art of silent films. The movie makes an amazing and humorous exploration of spiritual principles skillfully juxtaposed with daily reality. One can't assist but admire the ingenious usage of humor and supernatural elements that set the movie apart from the common.

Top Cast

  • Will Rogers (small)
    Will Rogers
    Professor Ezra Botts
  • Lila Lee (small)
    Lila Lee
    Molly McIntyre
  • Alan Hale (small)
    Alan Hale
    Ben Wadley
  • Johhnny Fox
  • George Nichols (small)
    George Nichols
    Pat Curran
  • Emily Rait
    Mrs. McIntyre
  • Clarence Burton (small)
    Clarence Burton
    Bert Snead