Return of the Killer Tomatoes! (1988)

Return of the Killer Tomatoes! Poster

Crazy old Professor Gangreen has developed a way to make tomatoes look human for a second invasion.

"Return of the Killer Tomatoes!" is a 1988 science-fiction/comedy film, directed by John De Bello and the follow up to the 1978 movie, "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes". The movie is popular for its comical and campy take on the horror genre. Its cast, including a young George Clooney, helped make it a cult classic that keeps its audience in time.

The film is set ten years after the Great Tomato War which saw killer tomatoes rising to exterminate humanity. Now, tomatoes are banned, and individuals can just get their pizza repair through replacements like gummy bears and peanut butter.

George Clooney plays Matt Stevens, a wisecracking, pizza shipment boy who imagines owning his own restaurant. He shares a flat with Chad Finletter, the nephew of the tomato war hero, played by Anthony Starke. Together, they discover a plot by Professor Gangreen (played by John Astin), a mad researcher-- the very same villain from the first film.

Professor Gangreen, the chemist, has developed an approach that changes tomatoes into human reproductions. These replicas feature a militaristic mindset and undying obligation to him. He means to dominate the world by replacing humans with these duplicates, with his gorgeous tomato-turned-lady, Tara, by his side. However Tara leaves Gangreen after he maltreats her and stumbles upon Chad and Matt, who she falls in love with Chad.

Chad and Matt find the truth about Tara and Professor Gangreen's intentions after she accidentally goes back to a tomato in front of them. Unfazed by her origin, Chad accepts Tara for who she is while Matt chooses they need to stop Gangreen and his tomato crowd.

With their decision, they are successful in revealing Gangreen's plot to the world. They rally a resistance, storm the teacher's stronghold, and foil his strategy. Amid the turmoil, Chad handles to turn Tara back into her human kind utilizing a Frank Sinatra tune, which was the turnaround system of the improvement. Seeing his army of tomato soldiers decreased to helplessness, Gangreen escapes while Chad and Tara share a romantic moment.

The movie ends with a conclusion that leaves a window open for future movies in the franchise. Gangreen remains at large as a hazard to humanity, and Chad and Tara stay devoted to his pursuance.

Impact and Cult Status
Like its predecessor, "Return of the Killer Tomatoes!" has actually acquired a cult following. The follow up increase the silliness element with some off-the-wall humor and ludicrous set pieces that fans find enduring. With its innovative property, quotable lines, and an early performance from movie star George Clooney, the film continues to amuse audiences who enjoy its humorous take on horror and sci-fi tropes. Despite its low budget plan and B-movie status, it is embraced for its unique and outlandish story - where tomatoes are monstrous foes.

Top Cast

  • Anthony Starke (small)
    Anthony Starke
    Chad Finletter
  • George Clooney (small)
    George Clooney
    Matt Stevens
  • Karen M. Waldron (small)
    Karen M. Waldron
    Tara Boumdeay
  • John Astin (small)
    John Astin
    Prof. Gangreen
  • Steve Lundquist
  • Michael Villani
    Bob Downs
  • J. Stephen Peace
    Wilbur Finletter
  • Harvey Weber
  • John De Bello (small)
    John De Bello
    Charles White
  • Costa Dillon
    Prison Guard / Man in parking lot / SAG representative / Product placement customer / Reporter
  • Deborah Gates
    Woman In parking lot