Something Wicked (2014)

Something Wicked Poster

A young couple embark upon their honeymoon against the chilling landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. But when tragedy strikes, gruesome secrets from their past collide with sinister forces of the present...

"Something Wicked" is a 2014 thriller motion picture directed by Darin Scott. The movie features Shantel VanSanten, John Robinson, Julian Morris, James Patrick Stuart, Brittany Murphy in her final movie function, and a number of others. The story focuses on a young couple subjected to a distressing occasion whose lives take a frightening turn as ominous forces unravel around them.

Plot Details
Christine (Shantel VanSanten) and James (John Robinson) are a happily engaged couple, about to embark on their life journey together. Their happy minutes are interrupted when they are associated with a deadly auto accident that eliminates Christine's moms and dads. The couple, devastated but resilient, chooses to continue with their wedding strategies, with James moving into Christine's household house.

Following the accident, Christine starts experiencing headaches about her parents. These visions become frighteningly genuine when it seems that not all forces are in favor of her joy. Christine starts thinking that she and James are being haunted by a powerful and malicious unseen force.

In spite of the scary occurrences, the couple continues with their wedding event preparations. Ryan (James Patrick Stuart), Christine's psychiatrist, stays skeptical about her claims but offers to help. He begins counseling them to deal with their sorrow and the unusual incidents that have been occurring.

Frightening Twist
As the story advances, it is revealed that the threatening force alarming Christine is none aside from Ryan himself. He had actually been drugging Christine and staging the dreadful experiences to control her into calling off the wedding. Ryan's obsession with Christine leads him on this dark course as he thinks he can have her for himself if her relationship with James breaks down.

The mystical stalker invades their home, voyeuristically enjoying them and leaves hints indicative of an ominous threat.

In a climactic fight, Christine and James discover Ryan's wicked plan. With the aid of their buddy Bill (Julian Morris), they confront Ryan. He doesn't decrease easily, and a battle occurs resulting in Ryan's death.

In the end, Christine and James lastly get to tie the knot, but the scaries they have withstood result in a threatening undertone to their gladly ever after. The ending suggests that the hidden ominous force that Christine believed was haunting her might still exist, leaving the audience with a cooling excitement.

Although the film seems to be a mix of thriller and scary categories, it is themed around the hazards of fixation and control. "Something Wicked" is likewise particularly significant as it was Brittany Murphy's last film, who tragically passed away during production.

"Something Wicked" received blended evaluations from critics, who applauded Brittany Murphy's performance however frequently slammed the movie's plot and its typical tropes that failed to produce a powerful, appealing narrative. In spite of some flaws, it offers an internet of suspense and psychological thrills that can keep the audience guessing until the climactic ending. The movie's conversation of sorrow, injury, and adjustment offers audiences a dark, thought-provoking perspective on human nature and relationships.

Top Cast

  • Shantel VanSanten (small)
    Shantel VanSanten
  • John Robinson (small)
    John Robinson
  • James Patrick Stuart (small)
    James Patrick Stuart
  • Brittany Murphy (small)
    Brittany Murphy
  • Robert Blanche (small)
    Robert Blanche
    John Anderson
  • Betty Moyer
  • Broderick Boyd
  • John Breen
  • Jerry L. Buxbaum
    Ed / Campus security
  • Joe Feeney
  • Jeff Hunter