Film OverviewThe sci-fi thriller motion picture "Surrogates" was released in 2009, directed by Jonathan Mostow, starring Bruce Willis. The movie is based on the 2005-2006 comics series of the very same name, composed by Robert Venditti and shown by Brett Weldele.
The ConceptThe film is embeded in the future, specifically the year 2017, where innovation has enabled people to live their lives through ideal robotic avatars called "surrogates". This improvement has resulted in a decline in criminal offense, illness, and has actually enhanced security. Lots of people hardly ever exit their houses, experiencing the world through robotics while their genuine bodies age naturally. These surrogates are produced by a business called VSI, headed by Dr. Canter.
The PlotThe film follows an investigator, Tom Greer (Bruce Willis), who lives his life through a surrogate. A mysterious murderer surfaces who can kill the human user when their surrogate is ruined. The murders initially declare a surrogate user and a kid of the surrogate's inventor, Dr. Canter. Greer embarks on a mission to discover the reality as he navigates a world where people's faces are merely a mask behind which they conceal their identities. Greer's surrogate is also damaged in an encounter making him browse the world naturally.
The Investigation and DramaGreer finds out that his deadly weapon - "A Dread", is the cause behind these mysterious murders that have the capability to eliminate both surrogates and their operators. It was originally made for military functions, was turned down due to its harmful nature, but now it's somehow in the hands of the incorrect individuals.
Dr. Canter, though believed to be dead, is exposed to be alive and hiding in an anti-surrogate appointment led by a male called "The Prophet" (Ving Rhames), who intends to damage all surrogates. Dr. Canter wants to bring back humankind to its real state and plans to utilize the 'Dread' to do so.
The ClimaxGreer discovers a method to close down all surrogates to prevent Dr. Canter's genocide. Nevertheless, Canter alters the plan and instead programs the weapon to eliminate everybody who is plugged into a surrogate. Greer handles to reverse this, but just moments after Canter initiates the program, eliminating millions of surrogate users but making sure the remaining population survives.
Conclusion and AftermathThe film concludes with the destruction of all surrogates, forcing human beings to experience the real life and live in person when again. Greer and his wife, from whom he had become distanced due to surrogate use, reconcile and march to face the brand-new world.
"Surrogates" advances a special viewpoint on the future, one where mankind's heavy dependence on technology might potentially strip us of our genuine selves. It highlights how these technological developments, while helpful, can disconnect us from the essence of being human.
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