Sweet and Twenty (1909)

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Alice misunderstands when she sees her sweetheart Frank accidentally kissing her sister, and gets upset. Frank claims he'll kill himself by throwing himself into the river, but gets cold feet when it comes time to actually do the deed. Fortunately for him, his girlfriend has come running worried after him, and all is forgiven between them.

Film Overview
"Sweet and Twenty" is a British quiet brief movie released in 1909. The movie was directed by Lewin Fitzhamon and provided by Hepworth Manufacturing Company, among the most prominent British movie studios throughout the early years of movie theater. "Sweet and Twenty" is a romantic funny that checks out a basic yet genuine story showing the lovely aspects of the Edwardian society.

Plot Summary
The plot revolves around a young man who inherits a large sum of cash on his twenty-first birthday. He is instructed by the terms of the will that the inheritance is only his to declare if he marries "sweet and twenty", translated as marrying a female who is precisely twenty years of ages.

The boy, who is deeply in love with his fiancée, is faced with a predicament because his better half is just nineteen and won't turn twenty till a couple of months later on. The young couple's dreams are now in jeopardy because they have to figure out how to meet the special provision in the will.

The boy chooses to keep his inheritance a trick from his fiancée. However, the story takes a humorous turn when she overhears him discussing his situation, resulting in a series of misconceptions and slapstick humour.

Characters and Performances
The cast, while not recorded, gives an enjoyable efficiency, perfectly catching the innocent humour and unfolding drama. The male and the woman include depth to their characters through meaningful silent performing, making the audience purchased their dilemma.

Themes and Contexts
A primary theme that appears in "Sweet and Twenty" is the idea of love versus product wealth. The heir's situation of either marrying the girl he enjoys and danger losing his inheritance or discover another who is "sweet twenty and marry" introduces this issue to the leading edge.

Especially, the film also highlights the dilemmas that might occur due to the inaccuracies and uncertainties in legal documents. The clause "sweet and twenty" in the will is as soon as such ambiguity that drives the plot of the story forward.

Cinematographic Techniques and Setting
For its time, the film showcases excellent cinematographic strategies with its usage of indoor sets and natural areas. The filmmakers used static cam angles and wide shots to frame the action, which was common of the silent movie age. The film incredibly captures the Edwardian period's feel with its set designs and the cast's outfits.

Lastly, what contributes to the appeal of "Sweet and Twenty" is the resolution, ending in a feel-good and comedy fashion. The narrative ultimately deciphers in hilarity, romance, and satisfied dreams, eventually, fixing that love undoubtedly thrives all. Despite its succinct runtime, the film perfectly weaves a light-hearted, entertaining, and at times, suspense-filled story, leaving a lasting impression on the audiences.

"Sweet and Twenty" is an enjoyable quiet movie, exhibiting all the hallmarks of the early movie theater's special storytelling vibrations. It is a wonderful testament to the potential of the medium even at its infancy, providing both entertainment and a critical look at social standards of its time. Regardless of the technological constraints, the film's message about the value of love over wealth makes it universally relatable even after more than a century of its production.

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