The Big Lie: American Addict 2 (2016)

The Big Lie: American Addict 2 Poster

American Addict 2 delves deeper into the world of corruption, politics and pharmaceutical greed.

"The Huge Lie: American Addict 2" is a thought-provoking 2016 documentary that explores the complex threads of dependency, monopolization of prescriptive drugs, and corruption within America's health care system. Directed by Sasha Knezev and Gregory A. Smith, the movie investigates the problems of increasing prescription drug addiction among Americans and the role of big pharmaceutical business and the federal government.

The Premise
The documentary is a sequel to the critically acclaimed 2012 movie "American Addict", which first inspected America's dependency on prescription drugs. "The Big Lie: American Addict 2" continues this assessment by digging deeper into the disconcerting phenomena of drug addiction on a national scale. The film uncovers the dark and troubling components of profiteering, corruption, and illegal marketing methods in the pharmaceutical industry that play a vital role in the rising epidemic of dependency.

The Big Business of Addiction
The documentary discovers that prescription substance abuse surpasses specific addicts; it has morphed into a financially rewarding market that is presumably backed by a union of pharmaceutical business, medical organizations, and government authorities. US people, regardless of just comprising 5% of the international population, consume an astonishing 80% of the world's pain medication. The filmmakers argue that this disproportionate figure is not a coincidence however a calculated result of tactical marketing tactics and a willingness to neglect public health in favor of financial profit.

Unethical Practices and Corruption
"The Big Lie: American Addict 2" exposes the lax policies governing pharmaceutical ads and their manipulative strategies. It claims that these business make use of the vulnerability of clients, their need for relief, and doctors' desire to assist, sustaining the prescription drug addiction crisis further. The movie also explores claims of bribery, with important benefits used to medical professionals who promote and recommend particular drugs more frequently, leading to mass over-medication.

Pharmaceutical Lobbying and Government Complicity
Among the film's most controversial assertions focuses on the murky connection between Big Pharma and the federal government. The filmmakers declare that substantial lobbying and political contributions have led to governmental positioning with industry interests, involving devastating consequences for public health. It paints a picture of a deeply corrupt system, with the government entities that are expected to secure public health seemingly operating in favor of corporate interests.

In conclusion, "The Big Lie: American Addict 2" builds on its predecessor's styles by delving into the multi-faceted issue of prescription drug dependency in America. The movie is a damning indictment of a system that prioritizes revenue over individuals. It challenges viewers to question the influence of Big Pharma, the role and integrity of medical institutions, and the federal government's function in perpetuating a public health crisis. The documentary is a potent call to action, urging a cumulative reaction to take on a problem that is rapidly ravaging individuals, families, and communities throughout America.

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