The Prince and the Pauper (1977)

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Tom Canty is a poor English boy who bears a remarkable resemblance to Edward, Prince of Wales and son of King Henry VIII. The two boys meet and decide to play a joke on the court by dressing in each other's clothes, but the plan goes awry when they are separated and each must live the other's life.

The 1977 movie "The Prince and the Pauper", likewise called "Crossed Swords", is a cinematic adaptation of Mark Twain's 1881 novel of the same name. It was directed by Richard Fleischer and starred an excellent cast, consisting of Oliver Reed, Raquel Welch, Charlton Heston, George C. Scott, and Mark Lester in double roles as both Prince Edward VI and Tom Canty.

Plot Summary
In 16th-century London, Tom Canty, a bad young boy living with his abusive dad, imagine a life of richness and convenience. One day, he inadvertently meets Prince Edward, the kid of King Henry VIII, who looks similar to him. Curious about how the other lives, they decide to exchange their lives momentarily, with each one teaching the other a valuable lesson.

The Prince experiences what it's like to live in hardship, experiencing his very first taste of cruelty, embarrassment, and hardship. He recognizes that his topics live under harsh laws, which he vows to change when he accedes the throne.

The Exchange
Meanwhile, Tom Canty takes pleasure in the elegant life of a prince at the castle, however he finds royal duties challenging. He is required to learn the manners and ruling laws rapidly. In the palace, everybody believes him to be the real prince other than for the Earl of Hertford, who presumes the reality after observing his uncommon habits. Hertford plots to seize the throne by attempting to kill Tom, thinking he is the genuine Prince Edward.

The Restoration
Meanwhile, the real Prince Edward, living as a pauper, has a hard time to persuade others of his authentic identity, as he is mocked and dismissed as insane. The prince is arrested and tossed into prison, but he fulfills an old hermit who helps him get away. The hermit passes away, and the prince starts a mission to reclaim his identity. He exposes himself to Miles Hendon, a soldier turned loyal good friend, who assists him go back to the palace.

The climax of the movie happens when the King dies, and preparations are made for Tom's coronation. The real Edward hurries to the palace, reveals Hertford's treachery, and recovers his rightful location. Tom and Edward expose the reality about their identities and change back to their initial lives. Edward is crowned as the King, pardons Tom and his family, and satisfies his vow to enhance his kingdom's laws.

"The Prince and the Pauper" is a funny, poignant, yet thought-provoking tale about class variation and the lives of the privileged versus the less fortunate. It cleverly makes use of a "look-alike" plot to provide a review of social inequality. The film handles to stay amusing whilst painting a vivid image of Tudor England, delivering an engaging watch with a subtle social message.

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