The Road Home (1999)

The Road Home Poster
Original Title: 我的父亲母亲

Prompted by the death of his father and the grief of his mother, a man recalls the story of how they met in flashback.

"The Road Home" is a 1999 Chinese romantic drama movie injected with standard sentiment, directed by Zhang Yimou. The film introduces a non-linear storytelling story to unveil its extensive, wholehearted story. It features acclaimed stars Zhang Ziyi and Sun Honglei in the lead roles. It's an adaptation of Bao Shi's unique, "Remembrance", and universally appreciated for its simplistic story, expressive efficiencies, and cinematography.

"The Road Home" primarily revolves around the touching romance of Zhong Luo-yan, portrayed by Zhang Ziyi, and Luo Changyu, enacted by Zheng Hao. The story begins in present day, illustrating Luo Yusheng, played by Sun Honglei, returning to his ancestral home after finding out about his daddy Changyu's death throughout the severe winter season. While there, Yusheng learns more about his widowed mom Zhao Di's dreams to follow the custom of bring the casket back home along a path covering numerous kilometers, regardless of the problem provided the deep snow.

Flashbacks to a Young Love
Through a series of flashbacks, the movie unfolds the inspiring love story of the young Luo Changyu and Zhong Luo-yan. Luo Changyu, the new and young teacher who walks into Luo-yan's village, captivates her from the start. Their love develops progressively, restricted by their reserved expressions, caught in taken glances and revealed through Luo-yan's incessant pursuit of Luo Changyu. When Changyu is triggered to go back to the city since of his mother's health problem, Luo-yan's love for him ends up being evident as she waits daily for his return at the town entrance, a depiction of classic waiting.

When Changyu doesn't return after a prolonged period, Luo-yan decides to go to the city to find him. She braves the treacherous journey, just to find him amidst a political battle, making it dangerous for him to return. However, their love remains unblemished, they form a pact wherein Changyu guarantees to return when the petals of a tree in the city fall, comparable to the one back at their village. As time passes, regretfully, Changyu's family notifies Luo-yan about his death. But declined to live in sorrow, Luo-yan continues to wait on his return, reviewing their everlasting love.

Conventional Rites and Conclusion
Back in the present scenario, despite the practical advice from the village mayor versus his mother's dreams since of the severe winter, Yusheng chooses to appreciate his mom's demands. In a stirring procession that included the whole village, the neighborhood members bring Changyu's coffin through the snowy roadway back home. This act functions as a homage to the deceased and a testimony to the undying love between Luo-yan and Changyu, satisfying her dream to bring him back home for the last journey.

The story culminates with Luo-yan following the procession from a range, precisely the method she as soon as utilized to see Changyu during his way to the schoolhouse.

All in all, "The Road Home" is a beautifully told and symbolically-rich love story. The film harnesses the simpleness of rural life and the depth of human feelings to create an indelible cinematic experience. Its universal appeal depends on its fascinating story that comes up with a brilliant display of endless love and hope amidst misery. The stirring performances of the stars, particularly Zhang Ziyi, and the movie's effective visual storytelling, accentuate the emotional essence of the story, making "The Road Home" a must-watch for admirers of timeless romance-driven cinema.

Top Cast

  • Zhang Ziyi (small)
    Zhang Ziyi
    Young Zhao Di
  • Zheng Hao (small)
    Zheng Hao
    Luo Changyu
  • Yulian Zhao (small)
    Yulian Zhao
    Zhao Di
  • Sun Honglei (small)
    Sun Honglei
    Luo Yusheng
  • Li Bin
  • Song Yuncheng (small)
    Song Yuncheng
    Village Chief
  • Guifa Chang
  • Wencheng Sung
    Young Mayor
  • Liu Qi
    Carpenter Xia
  • Ji Bo
    Young Carpenter Xia
  • Zhongxi Zhang
    Crockery Repairman