The Vatican Tapes (2015)

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In a highly secured vault deep within the walls of Vatican City, the Catholic Church holds thousands of old films and video footage documenting exorcisms/supposed exorcisms and other unexplained religious phenomena they feel the world is not ready to see. This is the first tape - Case 83-G - stolen from these archives and exposed to the public by an anonymous source.

"The Vatican Tapes" is a 2015 American supernatural scary movie directed by Mark Neveldine. The film revolves around a girl named Angela Holmes, whose unusual behaviors hint upon an odd demonic belongings causing a spiritual warfare involving the Vatican itself. The movie stars Olivia Taylor Dudley, Michael Peña, Dougray Scott, Djimon Hounsou, and Peter Andersson.

Plot Summary
Angela Holmes, a normal young woman, accidentally cuts her finger and winds up in healthcare facility. Afterwards, she starts to exhibit weird and scary habits symbolizing a potential demonic belongings. Her father and partner end up being extremely concerned about her inexplicable attributes and seek assistance from local priest, Father Lozano, who take advantage of the circumstance, carefully believes her to be had, and contacts the Vatican for their intervention.

The Holy Church sends out the Cardinal Bruun, who has proficiency on exorcisms, to diagnose and deal with Angela. He studies Angela's strange mannerisms and validates her as being possessed by a demonic entity. The Cardinal then performs a series of exorcisms on Angela, however they accidentally exacerbate and heighten Angela's scenarios, affirming a stronger, more powerful entity living within her which they recognize as the Anti-Christ.

As the exorcism profits, Angela's power begins manifesting extraordinarily, and she attacks the Cardinal to death however astonishingly absorbs his vital force to reanimate him physically. She then goes out of the space, leaving a resurrected Cardinal and an entirely damaged space behind her.

The film concludes with an abrupt twist where Angela is seen in another house vowing to spread her evil force into the world. The newspaper report features her as an incredible woman because of her remarkable healing abilities, unaware of the deadly force brewing underneath. Angela's boyfriend, still shell-shocked from the events, stands quietly as individuals line up to receive her true blessings and healing touch, consequently unconsciously being contaminated with the wicked force. Dad Lozano is promoted to Cardinal by the Vatican for having battled the symptom of the Anti-Christ and is appointed to fight this till completion.

General Reception
"The Vatican Tapes" provided a painful tale of demonic possession utilizing a mix of found video footage and conventional film techniques. Nevertheless, it got mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Some concurred that the film provided a standard scary story with adequate suspense and scary aspects to preserve engagement while others felt it brought nothing new to the exorcism sub-genre of scary movie theater. In spite of the criticisms, Olivia Taylor Dudley was praised for her haunting performance as Angela; her portrayal of a girl changing from a typical individual to a harbinger of the armageddon was a highlight of the film.

In summary, "The Vatican Tapes" although not strikingly initial, delivers a chilling tale of spiritual warfare and demonic possession upon a relatively typical young woman causing an apocalyptic revelation, unfolded meticulously through the involvement of the Vatican.

Top Cast

  • Kathleen Robertson (small)
    Kathleen Robertson
    Docteur Richards
  • Montanna Gillis (small)
    Montanna Gillis
  • Olivia Taylor Dudley (small)
    Olivia Taylor Dudley
    Angela Holmes
  • Noemi Gonzalez (small)
    Noemi Gonzalez
  • Michael Peña (small)
    Michael Peña
    Père Lozano
  • Alison Lohman (small)
    Alison Lohman
    Psych Patient
  • Dougray Scott (small)
    Dougray Scott
    Roger Holmes
  • John Patrick Amedori (small)
    John Patrick Amedori
  • Peter Andersson (small)
    Peter Andersson
    Cardinal Bruun
  • Djimon Hounsou (small)
    Djimon Hounsou
    Vicar Imani
  • Cas Anvar (small)
    Cas Anvar
    Docteur Fahti