The Wasted Times (2016)

The Wasted Times Poster
Original Title: 罗曼蒂克消亡史

Shanghai gangsters grapple with lust and loyalty on the eve of war with Japan as they try to navigate an alliance with the enemy's army.

Motion picture Overview
"The Wasted Times", or "Luo Guy Di Ke Xiao Wang Shi", is a fascinating and, often, perplexing 2016 Chinese film set in 1930s Shanghai during The Second World War. Directed by Cheng Er and starred by leading Asian actors, Ge You and Zhang Ziyi, the movie provides an unique mix of love, betrayal, and thriller in the middle of a historical backdrop.

Mystical Narrative
The story portrays intricacies of relationships, power struggles, and effects of goals. It begins with Lu (Ge You), the chief of the Chinese Collaborationist Regression Crime Unit controlled by the Japanese in occupied Shanghai. The plot is then gradually enfolded in non-linear flashback sequences, making it prone to a somewhat paradoxical unfolding of occasions.

Character Portrayal
Through numerous flashback and flash-forward scenes, the movie builds its main characters Lu, Watabe, and Xiao Liu. Lu is shown as a loner in the middle of power, longing for his old life. Zhang Ziyi plays Xiao Liu, Lu's girlfriend, capable of utilizing her beauty for selfish gains. Watabe, a Japanese friend turned opponent, is represented as a cunningly captivating character with underlying intents.

Twists and Themes
The film takes numerous turns, reflecting styles of desperation, obsession, and the severe reality of war-impacted lives. Relations in between China and Japan are symbolically illustrated through individual relationships. In one significant twist, Xiao Liu, at first depicted as a simple accessory to guys, is exposed to be a driver of the numerous unfortunate events.

Visuals and Sound
With its elegant instructions, "The Wasted Times" stands out with its sensational visuals. The striking contrast of the glamorized Shanghai nightlife with the grim truth of war creates an excellent cinematic landscape. The sound design further accompanies the thriller, intensifying the total viewing experience.

Ending and Overall Impact
In its perplexing ending, "The Wasted Times" leaves viewers with a sense of irony and a contemplation about war, loyalty, and individual ambitions. The movie might be a confusing watch due to its non-linear narrative, but uses a captivating exploration of wartime Shanghai. Through a mix of melodrama, action, and mystery, "The Wasted Times" becomes an intriguing seeing experience that sticks with the audience.

Throughout "The Wasted Times", viewers are led through a thick story of linked relationships marked by deceit and vengeance set against a traditionally important era, working as a testament to the unpredictability of human desires and aspirations amidst times of adversity.

Top Cast

  • Ge You (small)
    Ge You
    Mister Lu
  • Zhang Ziyi (small)
    Zhang Ziyi
    Xiao Liu
  • Tadanobu Asano (small)
    Tadanobu Asano
  • Gillian Chung (small)
    Gillian Chung
    Xiao Wu
  • Du Chun (small)
    Du Chun
  • Ni Dahong (small)
    Ni Dahong
    Mr. Wang
  • Zhao Baogang (small)
    Zhao Baogang
    Northern Guest
  • Yuan Quan (small)
    Yuan Quan
    Miss Wu
  • Yan Ni (small)
    Yan Ni
    Madam Wang
  • Han Geng (small)
    Han Geng
    Mr. Zhao
  • Huo Siyan (small)
    Huo Siyan