Time Table (1956)

Time Table Poster

An insurance detective encounters numerous surprises when he is assigned to investigate a meticulously-planned train robbery in Arizona.

"Time Table" is a 1956 movie Noir, directed by Mark Stevens who likewise stars in the lead function as Charlie Norman, along with a cast consisting of Felicia Farr, Marianne Stewart, and Wesley Addy. The story is composed by Robert Angus and Aben Kandel, and it pivots around a sneaky prepare for a profitable heist, deceit, and murder.

The story starts with a carefully organized criminal activity, a train break-in including an insurance coverage fraud. 2 individuals impersonated doctors administer a sedative to the train's guard and proceed to steal $500,000 which was being accompanied as part of a medical shipment. Their technique was well-executed, tricking everybody, hence attracting the examination of an insurer.

Charlie Norman, the callous yet methodical insurance investigator, is summoned to fix the case. With a track record for his steady commitment, Norman plunges into the mystery surrounding the robbery. As he deciphers the criminal offense, he finds that the burglars had detailed details about the train schedule, the consignment, and the security circumstance, leading him to suspect an expert's hand.

Characters and Twists
What makes the motion picture engaging is a twist where Norman, the seemingly upright investigator, is revealed as the mastermind behind the whole plot. He conceived the fancy scheme and manipulated the scenarios just to double-cross his accomplices, making the plotline thick with thriller. Norman was driven by his secret love affair with Linda, a buddy of among his co-conspirators, and the temptation of a rich life in Mexico.

Yielding to greed and deceit, Norman winds up eliminating one of his partners when he becomes suspicious of Norman's actions. However, the plot takes another twist when he is outmaneuvered by his girl love, Linda, who had been playing him all along. Linda's sudden disappearance with all the taken money leaves Norman with absolutely nothing but a realization of his failures.

In a last twist, Norman himself becomes the center of his own investigation, and his credibility comes under examination by his colleague and pal, Joe Armstrong. Norman's fate is sealed when he gets shot while trying to flee, resulting in his capture and exposure to his ex-wife and colleagues.

"Time Table" is often applauded for its strong performances, particularly from Mark Stevens, who masterfully portrays the two-faced lead character. The narrative woven with suspense at every turn keeps the audience mesmerized till the very end. The movie adeptly encapsulates the classic movie Noir components of dark city landscapes, ethical uncertainty, and the fatal lure of wealth and deceit.

The story drives house the message that deceit, in the end, is self-destructive and useless. The movie highlights the truth that crime and lies are eventually exposed, and their consequences undoubtedly catch up. "Time Table" offers a gripping and poignant narrative of human greed and the awful results it can lead to.

Top Cast

  • Mark Stevens (small)
    Mark Stevens
    Charlie Norman
  • King Calder (small)
    King Calder
    Joe Armstrong
  • Felicia Farr (small)
    Felicia Farr
    Linda Brucker
  • Marianne Stewart (small)
    Marianne Stewart
    Ruth Norman
  • Wesley Addy (small)
    Wesley Addy
    Dr. Paul Brucker
  • Alan Reed (small)
    Alan Reed
    Al Wolfe
  • Rodolfo Hoyos Jr. (small)
    Rodolfo Hoyos Jr.
    Lt. Castro
  • Jack Klugman (small)
    Jack Klugman
    Frankie Page
  • John Marley (small)
    John Marley
  • Robert Anderson (small)
    Robert Anderson
    Sheriff Jack of Winston
  • Raymond Bailey (small)
    Raymond Bailey
    Sam Hendricks