SummaryThe film "WildAid: Jackie Chan & Pangolins" from 2017 is an appealing and impactful brief environmental wildlife film which seeks to raise awareness about the issues surrounding the trafficking of pangolins, the world's most trafficked mammal. The movie stars Jackie Chan, an internationally popular actor and martial artist, who is a supporter for wildlife preservation.
Plot and MessageThe movie primarily focuses on informing the audience about the alarming rate at which Pangolins are drawn from the wild and put into the unlawful wildlife trade, mostly in Asia. The diminutive, armoured pangolin, typically incorrectly viewed as a reptile, is a mammal that eats ants and termites. They are hunted extensively for their meat and scales, which are thought to have medicinal residential or commercial properties in some cultures.
Jackie Chan, using his enormous appeal and influence, provides an effective message against the usage of pangolin products, marketing for the security and conservation of this special species. He deals with misunderstandings, challenging the made medical benefits credited to pangolin scales and making it clear that they're made from keratin, the same substance as human hair and nails, with no proven medical worth.
Dramatic PresentationTo drive his point house, Jackie Chan shares the screen with an animated pangolin, which endearingly connects with him throughout the video. This animation along with Chan's punchy discussion and martial arts shenanigans are used to instill humor into the grave subject matter, making the message appealing and quickly absorbable to a wide audience demographic.
In the movie's climax, audiences witness Chan's animated pangolin buddy being snatched away by unlawful wildlife traffickers, leaving a single scale. In a poignant moment, Jackie uses this last scene to emphasize the suffering and loss caused upon the Pangolin types and to influence a call to action for wildlife defense.
Efficiency and ImpactThe movie successfully utilizes the medium of entertainment to reach an international audience, thus substantially enhancing its project versus unlawful wildlife trafficking. The addition of Jackie Chan, revered in many parts of the world, considerably reinforces the effect and reception of the movie's message. The movie therefore acts as an efficient tool for informing the general public about the predicament of pangolins and rallying assistance for their protection.
In conclusion, "WildAid: Jackie Chan & Pangolins" is an exploratory brief film that combines the star power of Jackie Chan with a crucial international concern. It challenges misunderstandings about pangolins, highlights their dire predicament, and supporters for an end to the illegal trafficking of these animals. Its distinct mix of home entertainment and education makes it an impactful seeing experience, intended to incite change and cultivate a conservation state of mind amongst its viewers.
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