Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana (2009)

Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana Poster

The S.S. TIPTON embarks on a triple-length comedy crossover event when Justin wins a Teen Cruise to Hawaii – and a chance to meet London. Both Justin and Max do their best to win the heiress's affection, while Cody tries to win concert tickets for Bailey, and Alex accuses Zack of being a prankster. Between the kids' pranks (who turned Justin blue?!) and crazy schemes (Alex sneaks Harper on board to take her make-up science class?!), the excitement goes overboard when international superstar Hannah Montana checks in on her way to a sold-out concert in Hawaii. But when Miley Stewart loses her lucky charm anklet and her Hannah wig, are her days as the world's biggest pop star over forever?

Film Overview
"Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana" is a televised movie aired on Disney Channel on July 17, 2009. This crossover episode interweaved story includes characters from 3 hit Disney reveals - "Wizards of Waverly Place", "Suite Life on Deck", and "Hannah Montana". The audience gets to see their favourite characters sharing scenes, producing an unique and amusing experience.

Plot Synopsis
The story begins with the Russo family who win a journey to Hawaii. Justin (David Henrie) is excited at the prospect of meeting the popular singer Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) while Alex (Selena Gomez) and Max (Jake T. Austin) are enjoyed be onboard the glamorous cruise ship'S. S. Tipton.'

On the other hand, the stars of "Suite Life on Deck", Zack (Dylan Sprouse), Cody (Cole Sprouse), Bailey (Debby Ryan), and London (Brenda Song) are dealing with different comedic battles of their own. London prepares to interview Hannah Montana for her web show, and Bailey is over the moon since Hannah has agreed to perform for her approaching sweet sixteen birthday celebration.

The storylines converge when Cody and Bailey get ready for their romantic date, but magic accidents from Alex and Justin interfere. Justin fulfills Hannah Montana and believes she's hiding a secret, resulting in comedic circumstances. Meanwhile, Alex and Harper (Jennifer Stone), camouflaged as Hannah's entourage, inadvertently give the impression that Justin's a stalker triggering further chaos. In another subplot, Max and Zack chase after the ship's parrot, hoping it'll lead them to concealed treasure.

Ending and Resolution
In the ending, everyone gathers at Bailey's sweet sixteen celebrations aboard the ship, where Hannah Montana is set to carry out. After Miranda Hammon's efficiency (Selena Gomez's change ego in "Wizards"), Miley Stewart makes her appearance. After an unanticipated turn of events brought on by one more magic incident, Miley's dual identity as Hannah Montana is exposed to the Russo siblings. While Alex, Justin, and Harper guarantee to keep Miley's trick, she performs her hit tune "Let's Do This" bringing the exciting crossover to a harmonious and pleasurable ending.

"Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana" got positive evaluations from audiences and fans of the shows, taking pleasure in the collision of characters and stories. The unique episode scored high in rankings, being among the most-watched programs on cable for its premiere week, showing the successful mix of the three hit Disney Channel shows.

"Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana" works as an amazing crossover bringing together three successful Disney franchise series in a compelling story, filled with magic twists, humor, and teenage drama. Showcasing the star-studded cast in a multilayered plot, the movie makes up an awesome reward for Disney audiences, fostering their love and connection for these capitivating characters. It perfectly strikes a balance between merging show universes, without losing the essence of the private shows. Thus, it is easily relatable and pleasurable for fans of "Wizards of Waverly Place", "Suite Life on Deck", and "Hannah Montana".

Top Cast

  • Selena Gomez (small)
    Selena Gomez
    Alex Russo?
  • Miley Cyrus (small)
    Miley Cyrus
    Miley Stewart / Hannah Montana
  • Dylan Sprouse (small)
    Dylan Sprouse
    Zack Martin
  • Cole Sprouse (small)
    Cole Sprouse
    Cody Martin
  • David Henrie (small)
    David Henrie
    Justin Russo
  • Jake T. Austin (small)
    Jake T. Austin
    Max Russo
  • Emily Osment (small)
    Emily Osment
    Lilly Truscott / Lola Luftnagle
  • Jennifer Stone (small)
    Jennifer Stone
    Harper Finkle
  • Debby Ryan (small)
    Debby Ryan
    Bailey Pickett
  • Brenda Song (small)
    Brenda Song
    London Tipton
  • Mitchel Musso (small)
    Mitchel Musso
    Oliver Oken