Famous quote by Charles de Montesquieu

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An author is a fool who, not content with boring those he lives with, insists on boring future generations

"An author is a fool who, not content with boring those he lives with, insists on boring future generations"

- Charles de Montesquieu

About this Quote

This quote by Charles de Montesquieu is a humorous way of revealing the idea that authors are silly for wanting to share their work with the world. He indicates that authors are not content with merely tiring those around them, however rather they want to share their deal with future generations. This quote is a suggestion that authors ought to bear in mind the impact their work will have on future generations. It likewise acts as a cautioning to authors to be mindful with the content they select to share. Montesquieu is recommending that authors should think twice prior to publishing something that could possibly be dull or uninteresting to future generations. Ultimately, this quote serves as a suggestion to authors to be conscious of the impact their work will have on future generations and to be careful with the content they choose to share.

About the Author

Charles de Montesquieu This quote is written / told by Charles de Montesquieu between January 18, 1689 and February 10, 1755. He was a famous Philosopher from France. The author also have 35 other quotes.

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