Famous quote by Jonathan Swift

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Every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old

"Every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old"

- Jonathan Swift

About this Quote

This quote by Jonathan Swift speaks with the human condition of wanting to live a long life, however not wanting to experience the physical and psychological decrease that features aging. It is a tip that life is a cycle, which while we may wish to stay young and lively forever, it is not possible. We should accept that aging is a natural part of life which it is something that all of us should go through. The quote also speaks to the concept that life is valuable and ought to be enjoyed while we are still young and able. We should make the most of our time and not take it for approved. Ultimately, this quote serves as a pointer to appreciate the life we have and to maximize it while we can.

About the Author

Jonathan Swift This quote is written / told by Jonathan Swift between November 30, 1667 and October 19, 1745. He was a famous Writer from Ireland. The author also have 61 other quotes.

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