Famous quote by Virginia Woolf

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For most of history, Anonymous was a woman

"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman"

- Virginia Woolf

About this Quote

This quote by Virginia Woolf is an effective suggestion of the long history of women's injustice and invisibility. Woolf is recommending that for much of history, ladies were not given the chance to express themselves or be acknowledged for their contributions. Rather, they were frequently relegated to the background, their voices and identities hidden from the public. This quote acts as a tip of the significance of recognizing and celebrating the contributions of females throughout history, and of the need to continue to defend gender equality. Woolf's words also advise us that the defend gender equality is not a new one, however rather one that has actually been continuous for centuries. By acknowledging the long history of women's injustice and invisibility, we can better comprehend the importance of continuing to defend gender equality today.

About the Author

Virginia Woolf This quote is written / told by Virginia Woolf between January 25, 1882 and March 28, 1941. She was a famous Author from United Kingdom. The author also have 73 other quotes.

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