Famous quote by Ed Miliband

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Freedom and opportunity are precious gifts and the purpose of our politics is to expand them, for all our people

"Freedom and opportunity are precious gifts and the purpose of our politics is to expand them, for all our people"

- Ed Miliband

About this Quote

In this quote, Ed Miliband emphasizes the importance of flexibility and chance as important gifts that need to be cherished. He believes that the main objective of politics should be to increase these gifts and make them accessible to all individuals. This implies that everyone, despite their background or social status, ought to have the possibility to experience real liberty and have level playing fields to succeed. Miliband's words recommend that he sees politics as a means to produce a reasonable and just society where everyone has the opportunity to prosper. He believes that by broadening liberty and chance, we can produce a much better world for all individuals.

About the Author

United Kingdom Flag This quote is written / told by Ed Miliband somewhere between December 24, 1969 and today. He/she was a famous Politician from United Kingdom. The author also have 18 other quotes.

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