"How long soever it hath continued, if it be against reason, it is of no force in law"
- Edward Coke
About this Quote
This quote by Edward Coke is referring to the idea of legal precedent. Precedent is a legal principle that specifies that choices made in similar cases must be used as a guide for future decisions. Nevertheless, Coke is stating that if a decision is made that goes against reason, then it needs to not be used as a legal precedent. Simply put, even if a decision has been made in the past, if it is not reasonable, then it ought to not be utilized as a guide for future decisions. This quote is emphasizing the importance of reason in the legal system. Coke is saying that even if a choice has actually been made in the past, if it is not sensible, then it ought to not be used as a guide for future decisions. This quote is stressing the value of factor in the legal system and is a suggestion that the law should be based on reason and not on tradition. This quote is a reminder that the law ought to be based on reason and not on custom, and that even if a choice has been made in the past, if it is not reasonable, then it should not be used as a guide for future decisions.
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