"I had now arrived at my seventeenth year, and had attained my full height, a fraction over six feet. I was well endowed with youthful energy, and was of an extremely sanguine temperament"
- Henry Bessemer
About this Quote
Henry Bessemer was describing himself in this quote. He was seventeen years old and had actually reached his full height of a portion over six feet. He had plenty of youthful energy and had a really optimistic outlook on life. This quote shows that he was confident in himself and his abilities, and was looking forward to the future. His sanguine temperament most likely assisted him to stay positive and determined, even in challenging times. His age and height were likely viewed as an indication of strength and maturity, and he was most likely viewed as a leader among his peers. His enthusiasm and optimism most likely made him a popular figure in his neighborhood.
"One has children in the expectation of dying before them. In fact, you want to make damn sure you die before them, just as you plant a tree or build a house knowing, hoping that it will outlive you. That's how the human species has done as well as it has"
"Well, I think any time you delve into this sort of religion, politics, as you well know, you're going to, you know, touch a few nerves. I wasn't - now - and this is the honest truth"