Famous quote by Charles de Montesquieu

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If the triangles made a god, they would give him three sides

"If the triangles made a god, they would give him three sides"

- Charles de Montesquieu

About this Quote

This quote by Charles de Montesquieu is a funny method of revealing the concept that triangles are the most fundamental and fundamental shape. It suggests that if triangles were to develop a god, they would offer him three sides, as this is the most fundamental kind of a triangle. This quote is a method of highlighting the importance of triangles on the planet, as they are the building blocks of many structures and items. It likewise implies that triangles are the most powerful shape, as they are the basis of many things. This quote is a method of revealing the concept that triangles are the structure of lots of things, which they are effective and important. It is also a way of expressing the concept that triangles are one of the most basic and fundamental shape, which they are the building blocks of lots of things.

About the Author

Charles de Montesquieu This quote is written / told by Charles de Montesquieu between January 18, 1689 and February 10, 1755. He was a famous Philosopher from France. The author also have 35 other quotes.

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