Famous quote by Nathalie Sarraute

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Literature is always trying to show other parts of this immense universe in which we live. Its endless.

"Literature is always trying to show other parts of this immense universe in which we live. It's endless. I'm sure there will be other writers who will discover new worlds"

- Nathalie Sarraute

About this Quote

This quote by Nathalie Sarraute speaks with the power of literary works to discover and also discover new worlds. Literature is a means to check out the enormous world in which we live, and also it is a countless quest. Sarraute recommends that there will always be new authors who will certainly uncover new worlds with their writing. This talks with the power of literature to open up brand-new perspectives and to explore the unidentified. Literature is a means to expand our understanding of the world and also to discover the depths of the human experience. It is a means to find originalities and also to obtain insight right into the globe around us. Literary works is an ever-evolving form of expression that can take us to new areas and open up brand-new opportunities. Sarraute's quote speaks to the power of literature to check out as well as uncover new globes, as well as to open up new point of views.

About the Author

Russia Flag This quote is written / told by Nathalie Sarraute between July 18, 1900 and October 19, 1999. He/she was a famous Lawyer from Russia. The author also have 15 other quotes.

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