Famous quote by Virginia Woolf

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Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others

"Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others"

- Virginia Woolf

About this Quote

This quote by Virginia Woolf is an alerting to those who put excessive stock in the viewpoints of others. Woolf is suggesting that when we permit the opinions of others to dictate our decisions, we can end up in a hazardous scenario. We can end up being so focused on pleasing others that we forget our own worths and beliefs. This can cause a sense of confusion and disorientation, and can ultimately lead to our failure. Woolf is cautioning us to be conscious of the viewpoints of others, however to likewise understand our own inner guide and to trust our own judgement. We should make every effort to make decisions that are in line with our own values and beliefs, and not be swayed by the viewpoints of others.

About the Author

Virginia Woolf This quote is written / told by Virginia Woolf between January 25, 1882 and March 28, 1941. She was a famous Author from United Kingdom. The author also have 73 other quotes.

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