Famous quote by Charles de Montesquieu

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No kingdom has shed more blood than the kingdom of Christ

"No kingdom has shed more blood than the kingdom of Christ"

- Charles de Montesquieu

About this Quote

Charles de Montesquieu's quote is a recommendation to the spread of Christianity throughout the world. He is recommending that the kingdom of Christ, or the Christian faith, has actually had a greater influence on the world than any other kingdom. This effect has been both positive and negative, as the spread of Christianity has actually brought with it both peace and violence. On the one hand, Christianity has brought with it a message of love and acceptance, and has actually provided comfort and hope for lots of people. On the other hand, it has likewise been used to justify wars and other forms of violence. The quote is a suggestion that, while Christianity has had a great effect on the world, it has actually also been accountable for much bloodshed. It is a tip that, while faith can be an effective force for excellent, it can likewise be utilized to justify violence and oppression.

About the Author

Charles de Montesquieu This quote is written / told by Charles de Montesquieu between January 18, 1689 and February 10, 1755. He was a famous Philosopher from France. The author also have 35 other quotes.

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