"The mare set off for home with the speed of a swallow, and going as smoothly and silently. I never had dreamed of such a motion, fluent and graceful, and ambient, soft as the breeze flitting over the flowers, but swift as the summer lightening"
- Richard Blackmore
About this Quote
This quote paints a vibrant image of a mare's motion. The mare is described as moving with the speed of a swallow, which is a bird known for its swiftness. The movement is described as being both fluent and graceful, and ambient, like a breeze flitting over the flowers. The speed of the mare is compared to summertime lightning, which is a powerful and unexpected force of nature. This quote communicates the appeal and power of the mare's movement, and the awe it motivated in the speaker. It is a testament to the mare's strength and agility, and the adoration it made from the speaker. The quote likewise acts as a reminder of the charm of nature, and the power of animals.
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