Famous quote by Paul Valery

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The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be

"The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be"

- Paul Valery

About this Quote

This quote by Paul Valery speaks with the unpredictability of the future. It suggests that the future is no longer something that can be anticipated or trusted. This could be analyzed in a number of ways. It might be a reflection of the quick modifications in technology and society, or a commentary on the unpredictability of the world. It might likewise be a warning about the dangers of complacency and a pointer to be prepared for whatever the future might bring. In any case, it is a suggestion that the future is not something that can be considered granted. We must be prepared to adapt and get used to whatever comes our way.

About the Author

Paul Valery This quote is written / told by Paul Valery between October 30, 1871 and July 20, 1945. He was a famous Poet from France. The author also have 36 other quotes.

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