Famous quote by Plato

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When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them

"When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them"

- Plato

About this Quote

This quote by Plato encourages us to live our lives in a manner that is honorable and respectable. He is suggesting that if individuals are speaking ill of us, we must make every effort to live our lives in a manner that shows them wrong. We ought to make every effort to be the best variation of ourselves and live our lives with integrity and sincerity. In this manner, even if people are speaking ill of us, they will not be able to support their claims with any proof. We need to aim to be the sort of person that individuals can admire and regard. We ought to be kind, generous, and honest in our transactions with others. We need to be a fine example for those around us and aim to make the world a better location. By living our lives in this method, we can guarantee that even if people are speaking ill of us, they will not be able to back up their claims.

About the Author

Plato This quote is written / told by Plato between 427 BC and 347 BC. He was a famous Philosopher from Greece. The author also have 111 other quotes.

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