Famous quote by George Combe

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While some of them acknowledge the obligation of natural morality in their mode of conducting their cases, and preserve

"While some of them acknowledge the obligation of natural morality in their mode of conducting their cases, and preserve their individual character as gentlemen, there are others who acknowledge no law, human or divine, but the law of Scotland"

- George Combe

About this Quote

In this quote from George Combe, a prominent 19th-century Scottish phrenologist and author, there is a clear distinction made between two types of legal professionals in Scotland. Combe appears to be critiquing the ethical requirements of those within the legal profession, expressing issue over a divergence in ethical adherence.

The very first group of practitioners he explains are those who acknowledge and uphold "the obligation of natural morality." These individuals incorporate an inherent ethical code into their practice, most likely assisted by more comprehensive concepts of right and wrong, beyond simply the written law. They perform their cases with an adherence to moral values, suggesting a certain stability and expert ethics that transcend pure legal obligation. By stating they "protect their private character as gentlemen," Combe is suggesting that these practitioners maintain self-respect, honor, and credibility-- qualities traditionally associated with the gentlemanly suitable of his time.

In contrast, Combe explains another group of attorneys who do not recognize any law "human or magnificent," except for "the law of Scotland." This recommends that these people run strictly within the confines of the legal system, possibly exploiting its intricacies and loopholes without factor to consider for ethical implications or the greater good. By rejecting the impact of both human and magnificent law, this group is depicted as detached from universal morality, perhaps acting solely out of self-interest or professional gain. This outlook could lead to morally doubtful practices, as their only guideline seems the actual analysis of Scottish law.

Through this contrast, Combe is most likely criticizing those practitioners who do not have a moral compass, warning of the dangers of relying entirely on legalistic interpretations without regard for ethical factors to consider. His commentary works as a call for the combination of moral and ethical duty within the legal profession, beyond merely adhering to statutory requirements.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by George Combe between October 21, 1788 and August 14, 1858. He/she was a famous Educator from USA. The author also have 10 other quotes.

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