Famous quote by Leo Rosten

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Why did God give me two ears and one mouth? So that I will hear more and talk less

"Why did God give me two ears and one mouth? So that I will hear more and talk less"

- Leo Rosten

About this Quote

This quote by Leo Rosten highlights the value of listening over speaking. Rosten recommends that God deliberately gave people two ears and only one mouth as a tip to listen more and talk less. This can be translated as a lesson in humbleness and the value of truly hearing others. By listening attentively, we can gain a deeper understanding of others and their viewpoints. It likewise allows us to find out and grow from the knowledge and experiences of others. On the other hand, talking excessive can lead to misconceptions and missed chances for growth. Rosten's quote acts as a reminder to utilize our ears more and our mouths less in order to promote better communication and understanding in our relationships.

About the Author

Leo Rosten This quote is written / told by Leo Rosten between April 11, 1908 and February 19, 1997. He was a famous Novelist from USA. The author also have 20 other quotes.

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