Comic Book Series: Crossed

"Crossed" is a post-apocalyptic horror comics series produced by author Garth Ennis and artist Jacen Burrows, first published in 2008 by Avatar Press. The series is set in a world where a mystical and extremely infectious infection called the "Crossed" infection has actually turned most of humankind into sadistic, homicidal maniacs who delight in extreme acts of violence, abuse, and depravity. The story follows a group of survivors in their desperate struggle to stay alive and prevent the harsh violence of the Crossed.

The Infection
The most defining component of the series is the Crossed infection, which spreads out through bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, and semen. Those caused by the infection establish a distinctive, cross-shaped rash on their faces, offering the series its title. Unlike normal zombies from other horror fiction, the Crossed keep their intelligence, memories, and the capability to use tools and weapons. However, they are driven by an unrelenting desire to participate in the most horrendous acts of abuse and mutilation, making them a horrifying and ruthless risk to the remaining human survivors.

Plot Overview
"Crossed" follows a group of survivors led by an ex-cop named Thomas, who brings together a varied cast of characters, each with their own skills and weaknesses. The group consists of Stan, a previous schoolteacher; Kitrick, a sociopathic ex-convict; and Cindy, a young woman who becomes romantically involved with Stan. Together, they travel across the remains of the United States, trying to prevent the Crossed while searching for a semblance of security and prospective remedy for the infection.

The story is informed through the viewpoint of the survivors, revealing the psychological toll of living in constant worry of the Crossed's mindless brutality. Trust is an almost non-existent commodity among the group, and they are frequently forced to make vicious and unforgiving choices to ensure their continued survival in a world freaked.

As they journey through the ravaged landscape, the survivors come to recognize that there is no safe house from the Crossed, just a continuous state of flight and battle. They discover proof of other groups of survivors, however these encounters often result in more death and anguish.

Styles and Characteristics
"Crossed" is a non-stop brutal and unforgiving comic series, marked by specific gore and violence that presses the borders of the medium. The series explores themes such as the fragility of civilization, the human capability for cruelty, and the short moments of mankind that can shine through even in the darkest of times.

Author Garth Ennis utilizes the Crossed as a mirror for the worst elements of human nature, demonstrating how thin the line is between logical thinking and primal savagery. The Crossed are not merely mindless beasts however rather a reflection of mankind's darkest advises and desires, unrestricted by any ethical or ethical constraints.

The series is also marked by its strong character advancement and moral problems that the survivors face as they struggle to keep their humanity while browsing the scaries of their new reality. Ennis explores the depths of human torment and wickedness while also checking out the requirement for hope and empathy in the face of such insurmountable chances.

Reception and Legacy
"Crossed" has been both praised and criticized for its ruthless approach to horror and violence. Some critics consider it a vibrant exploration of the darkest parts of humanity, while others find it gratuitously harsh and exploitative. Despite this controversy, the series has actually gathered a dedicated fanbase and has generated various sequels, spin-offs, and one-shots over the years.

In conclusion, Garth Ennis's "Crossed" is a post-apocalyptic scary comic series that shows the collapse of society and humanity's descent into savagery and wickedness. While frequently controversial for its specific violence and gore, the series remains an interesting and thought-provoking experience for fans of scary comics and those who want to explore the darkest recesses of the human psyche.

In a post-apocalyptic world, a virus has turned a portion of the population into sadistic, homicidal maniacs known as 'The Crossed.' A group of survivors struggle to avoid falling victim to the brutal and dehumanizing actions of The Crossed.

Author: Garth Ennis

Garth Ennis, with biography, famous quotes, and his groundbreaking work on series like Preacher and Punisher.
More about Garth Ennis