Novel: In Watermelon Sugar

"In Watermelon Sugar" is a post-apocalyptic unique written by Richard Brautigan and released in 1968. The book is set in a fictional, rural community called iDEATH, where individuals live easy lives and accept nature. The name iDEATH signifies the interconnectedness of life and death in the novel. The story is distinguished the first-person viewpoint of an unnamed lead character who is an author. The novel checks out the themes of love, loss, violence, alienation, and the look for meaning in a relatively worthless world.

Setting and Characters
The book is set in a world that is indistinguishable from our own. The sun shines a different color each day, and watermelons grow from which individuals extract sugar. The buildings are made from materials from the surrounding natural environment, such as glass, logs, and stones. The community of iDEATH values simpleness, peace, and the beauty of nature. The storyteller copes with other commune members like Margaret, Pauline, Charley, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.

Throughout the unique, the narrator mentions "the tigers", ferocious beings who when lived in this world however have been extinct for a long time. The tigers represent the violent past that humankind has left.

Plot Summary
The novel begins with the lead character and Margaret, his ex-lover, checking out the watermelon works-- the website where he works and where watermelons are processed into sugar, oil, and other items. They encounter the remains of inBOIL, a former member of the commune who was eliminated for taking watermelons and who has actually gone back to die.

As the days pass, the protagonist discusses his experiences and tells stories of the other characters. He chronicles his relationship with Charley, a gentle and kind man who resides in a shack by the river and works as the community's handyman. He also details the love triangle between himself, Margaret, and Pauline, a woman he eventually leaves Margaret for. Margaret struggles to accept this new relationship and blows up and violent towards Pauline.

Throughout the novel, the protagonist also dives into the past, talking about "the time of the tigers", a duration when fantastic violence existed in their world. For instance, the protagonist tells the story of Old Chuck, a violent guy who killed his whole household, including his newborn child, throughout the time of the tigers.

Climax and Resolution
Margaret's displeasure towards Pauline continues to grow, and she ends up being more separated and embittered. This eventually leads to Margaret plotting revenge on Pauline and the lead character by preparing to toxin their food throughout an event at iDEATH. Luckily, her plan is found and stopped before anyone takes in the contaminated food.

Following this occasion, Margaret selects to desert the neighborhood and wanders to the Forgotten Works-- a mystical, disorderly location filled with useless things. Here, she joins a group of castaways led by inBOIL who have rejected the ways of iDEATH in favor of violence and mayhem. The unique reaches a climax as the narrator and his good friends discover the outcasts' hideout, leading to a fatal conflict between the two groups.

In the end, the outcasts are eliminated, and peace go back to iDEATH. The lead character and his neighborhood concerned terms with the darkness of their world, acknowledging that it stems from their past and the Tigrero-- the male responsible for the extinction of the tigers. The final chapter sees the lead character total his book on "The Watermelon Works", symbolizing his understanding of life's interconnections and his approval of the world's flaws.

"In Watermelon Sugar" is a perfectly written, enigmatic unique filled with unforgettable images and poetic language. It examines the intricacies of human relationships, the search for significance, and the intrinsic darkness within humanity. Through the book's poetic and dream-like narrative, Brautigan welcomes readers to review the connections between love and violence, life and death, and nature and humankind, ultimately offering a vision of hope and reconciliation in the face of darkness.
In Watermelon Sugar

The novel is set in a commune called iDEATH, where residents live a peaceful, harmonious life, using the edible flesh of watermelon sugar as their main source of sustenance. The story is presented through narrator's eyes who is also a resident of iDEATH.

Author: Richard Brautigan

Richard Brautigan Richard Brautigan, famous for Trout Fishing in America & In Watermelon Sugar. Explore his unique quotes!
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