iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon

"iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon" is a 2006 narrative by Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Wozniak, composed with Gina Smith. The book chronicles Wozniak's life from his beginnings as a young computer system enthusiast in Sunnyvale, California, to his role in establishing Apple together with Steve Jobs, and his experiences throughout the years within the tech industry. Wozniak shares individual stories, technical details of his innovative inventions, and the key moments that formed his life and profession.

Early Life
Wozniak associates his interest in technical tinkering to his father, who was an engineer at Lockheed. Growing up in the early days of Silicon Valley, Wozniak was amazed with electronic devices and taught himself to create and develop electronic gizmos. At a young age, he ended up being good friends with Steve Jobs, who shared Wozniak's interest in technology.

Phone Phreaking
Before their endeavor into desktop computers, Wozniak and Jobs were involved in the underground world of phone phreaking. Phone phreakers exploited telephone systems to make complimentary long-distance phone calls and explore the inner operations of the interaction network. Wozniak utilized his electronic devices understanding to construct 'blue boxes' which allowed him and Jobs to make these unauthorized calls. This experience provided them with valuable hands-on experience in electronic devices and circuit design.

First Steps to Apple
In the early 1970s, Wozniak ended up being a regular guest at the Silicon Valley Homebrew Computer Club, where enthusiasts shared designs and constructed their own computers. Wozniak wanted to build a computer at home, which resulted in his style of the Apple I computer in 1975. In spite of its simple design and minimal features, the Apple I brought in a lot of attention in the computer system enthusiast neighborhood.

In 1976, Wozniak and Jobs chose to start a business to sell the Apple I, creating Apple Inc. Wozniak was in charge of developing the innovation, while Jobs handled business elements.

Apple II
After the modest success of the Apple I, Wozniak started working on his most revolutionary invention: the Apple II. Unlike the Apple I, which was mostly a hobbyist maker, the Apple II was developed with a focus on usability, featuring an integrated keyboard, color graphics, and a more polished look. The Apple II was the first computer to feature a ROM chip on the motherboard, which allowed for immediate boot-up and improved the computer system's overall performance.

Launched in 1977, the Apple II was a resounding success, becoming one of the best-selling desktop computers of its time and strengthening Apple's position in the quickly growing market.

Accident and Life After Apple
In 1981, Wozniak was associated with an aircraft crash that left him with extreme amnesia and other injuries. During his healing, he withdrew from his regular tasks at Apple to focus on healing. Wozniak eventually returned to Apple on a part-time basis, but his role was no longer central to the company's success.

As Apple Inc. shifted focus to the Macintosh computer and other ventures, Wozniak carried on to various tasks. He started teaching computer system courses in regional schools, sponsored two music performances called the 'US Festival,' and introduced several brand-new tech business.

Reflections on Apple and Personal Life
Although Wozniak is proud of his accomplishments at Apple, he mentions that his true passion is not within the industry or company itself, however in hands-on engineering and creative tinkering. He expresses regret over how Apple's development and modifications in the tech industry affected his relationship with his friend and co-founder, Steve Jobs.

The book also offers peeks of Wozniak's individual life, including his marital relationships and divorces, along with his ongoing passion for philanthropy, particularly in the areas of education and innovation gain access to for all.

In general, "iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon" supplies an engaging and sincere portrayal of the life and career of Steve Wozniak, a pioneer of the personal computing revolution.
iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon

The personal story of Steve Wozniak, the mastermind behind Apple's early technological advancements, detailing his life from his early days building gadgets with his father to the inception and success of Apple.

Author: Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Inc. Discover his life story, key inventions, quotes, and contributions to the computer industry.
More about Steve Wozniak