Facts about Danny Thomas

BornJanuary 6, 1914
DiedFebruary 6, 1991
Aged77 years


Danny Thomas was a famous Actor from USA, who lived between January 6, 1914 and February 6, 1991. He became 77 years old.

He is born under the zodiac capricorn, who is known for Determination, Dominance, Perservering, Practical, Willful. Our collection contains 2 quotes who is written / told by Danny.

Related authors: Grant Tinker (Musician)


2 Famous quotes by Danny Thomas

Small: Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. Its what you do for ot
"Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others"
Small: All of us are born for a reason, but all of us dont discover why. Success in life has nothing to do wit
"All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others"