10 Attitudes (2001)

10 Attitudes Poster

A Jewish man discovers his boyfriend of 10 years has been cheating on him, and decides to embark on a dating spree.

Introduction to "10 Attitudes"
"10 Attitudes" is a comedy-drama movie launched in 2001 that focuses around the personal journey of a gay Jewish male living in Los Angeles. Directed by Michael O. Gallant and starring Jason Stuart, who also co-wrote and produced the film, it explores styles of love, approval, and self-discovery, set against the background of the contemporary dating scene.

Plot and Setting
The story follows Josh, a single and rather disillusioned gay male, as he browses the ups and downs of dating and relationships. After his long-lasting relationship with his partner ends abruptly, Josh finds himself thrust back into the dating world. He quickly comes across a spectrum of characters and experiences, each providing a different perspective on love and dedication. With his 35th birthday on the horizon, Josh starts a mission to discover "Mr. Right", which causes a series of humorous and touching encounters that are formed by his ten various dating experiences, or "mindsets".

Main Character Development
Josh's character is at the heart of the film. He embodies the vulnerabilities and comedic elements intrinsic in the search for lasting love. Throughout the film, audiences view Josh's transformation from a man who is somewhat jaded by his romantic failures into someone who learns to be more open and optimistic about his future. Each of the 10 dates adds to this growth, working as a metaphor for the various difficulties one might require to get rid of in the pursuit of joy and collaboration.

Supporting Cast and Relationships
The supporting characters in "10 Attitudes" are a diverse mix, representing numerous stereotypes and truths within both the gay and Jewish neighborhoods. Josh's selection of dates includes men of various ages, occupations, and outlooks on life, each bringing their own quirks and lessons to Josh's journey. These characters help to expand the narrative, serving as mirrors to Josh's own goals and insecurities. The film likewise touches on Josh's connection with his Jewish identity and how it connects with his experiences as a gay male, adding another layer to his look for a partner who comprehends his background.

Styles and Humor
"10 Attitudes" uses humor as a lorry to discuss more serious styles such as identity, discrimination, and the human desire for connection. The use of funny offers an available entry point for audiences to explore these much deeper issues and reflect on their own predispositions and mindsets towards dating and relationships. The film delves into the idea of compatibility and the ways in which individual mindsets can either hinder or boost the search for a partner.

Cinematic Style and Reception
The film's cinematographic design includes a mix of standard narrative storytelling with mockumentary elements, enabling the amusing and honest viewpoints of the characters to be expressed directly to the audience. This technique gives "10 Attitudes" a special and engaging quality. Important reception of the motion picture was combined, with some praising its charm and relatability, while others slamming it for leaning into certain stereotypes. Nonetheless, the film has found a specific niche audience that values its representation of the dating scene and the LGBTQ+ experience.

In summary, "10 Attitudes" is a comical expedition of one man's journey through the complex world of dating and relationships in the LGBTQ+ community. Its examination of personal growth, the challenges of discovering love, and the mosaic of mindsets that one encounters along the method supply audiences with both laughter and reflection. The film works as a snapshot of a particular time and location in the gay dating world, providing insights that are still appropriate to modern audiences.

Top Cast

  • Jason Stuart (small)
    Jason Stuart
    Josh Stevens
  • Jim J. Bullock (small)
    Jim J. Bullock
  • David Faustino (small)
    David Faustino
    Billy (10 Attitude #3)
  • Sean Kanan (small)
    Sean Kanan
  • Alexandra Paul (small)
    Alexandra Paul
  • Judy Tenuta (small)
    Judy Tenuta
  • Scott Kennedy
    Bryce (10 Attitude #2)
  • Christopher Cowan
  • Fritz Greve
    Jack Langford
  • Mitch Hara (small)
    Mitch Hara
  • Joey Vieira (small)
    Joey Vieira
    Leo (10 Attitude #9)