Doña Perfecta (1977)

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Film Overview
"Doña Perfecta" is a Spanish drama film released in 1977. The motion picture is directed by César Fernández Ardavín and is an adaptation of Benito Pérez Galdós's 1876 novel of the very same name. The movie is embeded in a stern, standard Catholic society in Spain and represents disputes arising from the clash of liberal modernity and entrenched conservatism.

Plot Summary
The movie follows the life of an ambitious civil servant, Juanito Rey (José Luis Pellicena), who takes a trip to Orbajosa, a fictional town in Spain, to meet his auntie Perfecta Rey (Lola Gaos), called Doña Perfecta, with hopes of forming matrimonial ties with his cousin Rosario (Dominique Sanda).

Upon his arrival, he comes across a strict conservative society that's a plain contrast to his liberal views gotten during his remain in Madrid. His radical point of views and positive opinions about modernity incite the rage of the town's head priest, Don Inocencio (Julian Mateos), and his aunt.

Character Development and Conflict
These conflicts of beliefs form the core of Doña Perfecta's story. Juanito becomes embroiled in a series of arguments and differences with the town's authorities and his aunt over their rigid beliefs and resistance to alter. His growing romantic relationship with his cousin, Rosario, further magnifies the degrading relationship with his aunt.

Doña Perfecta is depicted as a company follower in tradition and conservative way of life, unyielder to modernization. The paradox in her character depends on her dedication to her nephew yet detestation for his views, sewing the seeds of her gradual improvement from a doting aunt to a relentless antagonist.

Conclusion and Themes
Throughout the movie, Galdós's ultimate themes of social conservatism, spiritual fanaticism, and intolerance towards change are remarkably depicted, causing awful and extreme climax seeing Doña Perfecta orchestrating Juanito's murder, not able to accept his union with Rosario and his views.

"Doña Perfecta" ends tragically with Juanito's death, representing the downfall of progressive thoughts at the hands of staunch conservatism. His death also results in Rosario's mental breakdown, signifying the destruction that intolerance can bring to personal relationships.

Important Acclaim
Seriously acclaimed as one of César Fernández Ardavín's notable works, "Doña Perfecta" is commemorated as a brilliant adjustment of Pérez Galdós's novel. The film provides a vivid representation of a society grasped by conservatism, exposing its defects and the resultant disasters. The acting, particularly by Lola Gaos, paired with the poignant storyline, contributed to the movie's major success. However, the controversial themes of religion and social conservatism certainly stimulated a discussion in the primarily Catholic society of Spain.

In conclusion, "Doña Perfecta" is a profound exploration of religious fanaticism and archaic social norms. As the movie delves into the effect of staunch traditionalism on social relationships, it pulls audiences into a heartbreaking story, ultimately highlighting the repercussions of resistance to change. A prominent piece of Spanish movie theater, the movie welcomes viewers to consider upon society and its malleability versus the backdrop of evolving times.

Top Cast

  • Julia Gutiérrez Caba (small)
    Julia Gutiérrez Caba
    Doña Perfecta
  • Victoria Abril (small)
    Victoria Abril
  • Manuel Sierra
    José Rey
  • Emilio Gutiérrez Caba (small)
    Emilio Gutiérrez Caba
  • José Orjas (small)
    José Orjas
    Don Cayetano
  • Roberto Camardiel (small)
    Roberto Camardiel
    Tío Licurgo
  • María Kosty (small)
    María Kosty
  • George Rigaud (small)
    George Rigaud
    Juan Tafetán
  • Mirta Miller (small)
    Mirta Miller
  • Montserrat Julió (small)
    Montserrat Julió
  • José Luis López Vázquez (small)
    José Luis López Vázquez
    Don Inocencio