The King's Daughters (2000)

The King's Daughters Poster
Original Title: Saint-Cyr

Late 17th Century: Anne de Grandcamp and Lucie de Fontenelle, two little girls from Normandy, arrive at the Saint-Cyr school founded by Madame de Maintenon for educating the daughters of impoverished nobles ruined in wars and making them into free women. Madame de Maintenon is the secret wife of Louis XIV, and empowered by his support, she offers "her" two hundred fifty girls a playful and avant-garde education. Anne and Lucie, two inseparable friends, allow themselves to be carried away by the promise of a bright future. But Maintenon has arrived at the pinnacle of power through scheming and debasing herself and she now fears the fires of hell. She is counting on her model school to atone for her past sins.

Plot Overview
"The King's Daughter", likewise called "Saint-Cyr", is a 2000 French historical drama directed by Patricia Mazuy. Set in late 17th-century France during the reign of Louis XIV, the movie focuses around Madame de Maintenon's school for girls, created by the king to inform his illegitimate daughters and the children of impoverished nobles.

Main Characters
The movie's central characters are Madame de Maintenon, King Louis XIV, and the women who stay at the school. Isabelle Huppert plays Madame de Maintenon, the wife of the Sun King who navigates her function in the court while running the school. Jean-Pierre Kalfon plays King Louis XIV, torn between his love for his kids and the autocratic rule. The girls, specifically Anne de Grandcamp and Lucie de Fontenelle, stand apart as women blossoming into women in the school's limiting environment.

At the start of the movie, King Louis XIV signs the order licensing the opening of a school in Saint-Cyr, redirecting Madame de Maintenon's dream of educating bad girls to the job of advising the children of impoverished nobility. Madame de Maintenon faces the arduous job of turning these ladies into appropriate women while coping with the political intrigues of the court.

Under Madame de Maintenon's rigorous supervision, the ladies find out rules, literature, and religious beliefs. They are to be groomed into possibly attractive mates for officers and nobles. However, the ladies quickly find that life inside the school goes far beyond their lessons.

Dispute and Resolution
The film introduces a significant subplot when Madame de Maintenon commissions a play, written by renowned writer Racine, planning to display the talent and virtue of her ladies. Nevertheless, the extremely act meant to boost them rather leads to their disillusionment. The girls play the roles of captive Trojan women who select death over a life of embarrassment. The play's theme resonates with the ladies, specifically Anne and Lucie, who recognize the difficult realities of their restricted lives in the school and the minimal alternatives they hold as females in their society.

The play hence activates a mindset modification amongst the ladies, causing a series of disobediences. Madame de Maintenon, taken aback by this unexpected effect, struggles to take control. In spite of the crisis, she works to straighten the circumstance to prevent harming the track record of her school.

Styles and Reception
"The King's Daughter" explores styles of power, gender roles, female education, and the disparity in between royalty and commoners throughout the age of monarchy. It received a mixed vital reaction. Though it was praised for its excellent period detail, strong efficiencies (especially by Isabelle Huppert), and appealing narrative, some critics felt that the film ended abruptly, leaving a lack of resolution. However, it was extensively valued for its unique perspective on the oppressive standards of the 17th-century French court and their effect on girls.

Top Cast

  • Isabelle Huppert (small)
    Isabelle Huppert
    Madame de Maintenon
  • Jean-Pierre Kalfon (small)
    Jean-Pierre Kalfon
    Louis XIV
  • Jean-François Balmer (small)
    Jean-François Balmer
  • Nina Meurisse (small)
    Nina Meurisse
    Lucie de Fontenelle
  • Morgane Moré
    Anne de Grandcamp
  • Bernard Waver
    l'abbé Gobelin
  • Jeanne Le Bigot
    Lucie de Fontenelle jeune
  • Mathilde Lechasles
    Anne de Grandcamp jeune