Isabelle Huppert Biography

Isabelle Huppert, Actress
Born asIsabelle Anne Madeleine Huppert
BornMarch 16, 1955
Paris, France
Age69 years
[Isabelle Anne Madeleine Huppert] is just one of France's most renowned actors. Huppert is probably best understood for playing duties that cool ladies on the verge of a worried failure. She has a lengthy acting career behind her as well as has actually been active in both the cinema. Given that its launching in 1972, Huppert showed up in over 90 film and also tvproduktioner. The breakthrough was available in the lead role in Spetsknypplerskan 1977th

She has won awards for duties in movies like The Pianist by Michael Haneke and event by Claude Chabrol. Huppert is among only 4 women that won the honor for finest actress at the Cannes Film Festival two times, for the functions of Violette - giftmörderskan (1978) and also The Pianist (2001). Huppert has during his occupation, continuously gone back to collaborations with several acclaimed directors in addition to Claude Chabrol as well as Michael Haneke, such as Jean-Luc Godard (Sauve qui therapist la vie, Passion) and Bertrand Tavernier. She has actually also played with the movies of Claire Denis (White Material), Francois Ozon (8 Women) as well as Olivier Assayas (Les Destinées view ales).

Our collection contains 25 quotes who is written / told by Isabelle, under the main topic Parenting.

Related authors: Jean-Luc Godard (Director), Adele (Musician), Claude Chabrol (Director)

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25 Famous quotes by Isabelle Huppert

Small: When you come to do the film, it is not the time to wonder why you do it. Its just how to do it
"When you come to do the film, it is not the time to wonder why you do it. It's just how to do it"
Small: I did a film very quickly, and then a lot of work for television, and then I did stage work
"I did a film very quickly, and then a lot of work for television, and then I did stage work"
Small: Firstly I did it in this huge theatre in Avignon, then to smaller places, then bigger places. You have
"Firstly I did it in this huge theatre in Avignon, then to smaller places, then bigger places. You have to change the volume of the voice, give more or less. The way you have to relate to space makes it like sculpture"
Small: But theatre is always a difficult experience
"But theatre is always a difficult experience"
Small: I never wondered whether I should be a stage actress or a movie actress
"I never wondered whether I should be a stage actress or a movie actress"
Small: In a very complex way, things have improved in the dramatic field. Before you had the good and the bad
"In a very complex way, things have improved in the dramatic field. Before you had the good and the bad and you couldn't mingle them. Now it's more ambiguous"
Small: My moms a Catholic, and my dads a Jew, and they didnt want anything to do with anything
"My mom's a Catholic, and my dad's a Jew, and they didn't want anything to do with anything"
Small: Once you have made the decision to do the film, once you have identified the desire and all the deep an
"Once you have made the decision to do the film, once you have identified the desire and all the deep and personal, intimate, artistic reasons why you want to do the film, then it's more a matter of how to do things"
Small: For a long time I have compared cinema to music, I think cinema has a lot to do with the rhythm of musi
"For a long time I have compared cinema to music, I think cinema has a lot to do with the rhythm of music"
Small: But someone like Claude Chabrol tries to make a connection between the society in which we live and the
"But someone like Claude Chabrol tries to make a connection between the society in which we live and the social reasons which make monsters out of some people"
Small: Before I do a play I say that I hope its going to be for as short a time as possible but, once you do i
"Before I do a play I say that I hope it's going to be for as short a time as possible but, once you do it, it is a paradoxical pleasure. One evening out of two there are five minutes of a miracle and for those five minutes you want to do it again and again. It's like a drug"
Small: The Greeks already understood that there was more interest in portraying an unusual character than a us
"The Greeks already understood that there was more interest in portraying an unusual character than a usual character - that is the purpose of films and theatre"
Small: Perhaps Europeans are a bit more skeptic whereas Americans are more believers
"Perhaps Europeans are a bit more skeptic whereas Americans are more believers"
Small: I dont know if you ever say to yourself that you want to be an actress. It eventually becomes a social
"I don't know if you ever say to yourself that you want to be an actress. It eventually becomes a social function - you are an actress and you make a living out of it, but at the beginning it's more a matter of how to survive, or how to exist in a certain way"
Small: Going through this musical experience really helped us to understand the core of the film
"Going through this musical experience really helped us to understand the core of the film"
Small: For me, making films is like being on vacation, its a nice walk. But theatre is like mountaineering.
"For me, making films is like being on vacation, it's a nice walk. But theatre is like mountaineering. You never know whether you're going to fall off or make it to the top"
Small: For an actress there is no greater gift than having a camera in front of you, listening to the most bea
"For an actress there is no greater gift than having a camera in front of you, listening to the most beautiful music in the world and just being looked at!"
Small: Acting is a way of living out ones insanity
"Acting is a way of living out one's insanity"
Small: It really helps you to go through difficult situations by just thinking about it as being a big amount
"It really helps you to go through difficult situations by just thinking about it as being a big amount of work which you have to solve how to do. For example, I don't feel very inspired when I act, I just act. That's it"
Small: I think being an actress is more how to cope with the fact that you cant do anything else than to expre
"I think being an actress is more how to cope with the fact that you can't do anything else than to express a talent. It's a way of being untalented for anything"
Small: Even for the most difficult scenes, and there are difficult scenes in the film, and because Michael Han
"Even for the most difficult scenes, and there are difficult scenes in the film, and because Michael Haneke is such a great film-maker - I think a great film-maker is not only being inspired, but how to do it, how to make it as real as possible, knowing that it's not real"
Small: But on the whole, nothing requires unbearable energy for me, its just a normal thing
"But on the whole, nothing requires unbearable energy for me, it's just a normal thing"
Small: Yes, he wanted me to do Funny Games before, which I didnt want to do because the film was very theoreti
"Yes, he wanted me to do Funny Games before, which I didn't want to do because the film was very theoretical - the way people experience violence on screen. There was very little space for fiction, it was more like a sacrifice for the actors than anything else"
Small: But it wasnt just a technical approach towards the piano, studying the music for this film was also a w
"But it wasn't just a technical approach towards the piano, studying the music for this film was also a way of approaching the soul of the film, because the film is really about the soul of Schubert and the soul of Bach"
Small: I like to take these unusual characters and then make them as normal as possible, because we all know t
"I like to take these unusual characters and then make them as normal as possible, because we all know that the tragedy and the abnormal always hides itself behind the normal"