Quotes by Hungarian authors

See the complete list of authors from Hungary
Small: No performer should attempt to bite off red-hot iron unless he has a good set of teeth
"No performer should attempt to bite off red-hot iron unless he has a good set of teeth"
Harry Houdini, Entertainer
Small: I think that in a year I may retire. I cannot take my money with me when I die and I wish to enjoy it, with my
"I think that in a year I may retire. I cannot take my money with me when I die and I wish to enjoy it, with my family, while I live. I should prefer living in Germany to any other country, though I am an American, and am loyal to my country"
Harry Houdini, Entertainer
Small: The principal task of a conductor is not to put himself in evidence but to disappear behind his functions as m
"The principal task of a conductor is not to put himself in evidence but to disappear behind his functions as much as possible. We are pilots, not servants"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: It is my fervent wish and my greatest ambition to leave a work with a few useful instructions for the pianists
"It is my fervent wish and my greatest ambition to leave a work with a few useful instructions for the pianists after me"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: A person of any mental quality has ideas of his own. This is common sense
"A person of any mental quality has ideas of his own. This is common sense"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: The music of the Gypsies belongs in the sphere of improvisation rather than in any other, without which it wou
"The music of the Gypsies belongs in the sphere of improvisation rather than in any other, without which it would have no power to exist"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: Supreme serenity still remains the Ideal of great Art. The shapes and transitory forms of life are but stages
"Supreme serenity still remains the Ideal of great Art. The shapes and transitory forms of life are but stages toward this Ideal, which Christ's religion illuminates with His divine light"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: I conclude that the Wagnerian operas which are already in the repertoire, and other masterworks as well, stand
"I conclude that the Wagnerian operas which are already in the repertoire, and other masterworks as well, stand in no further need of my services"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: Real men are sadly lacking in this world, for when they are put to the test they prove worthless
"Real men are sadly lacking in this world, for when they are put to the test they prove worthless"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: I find little in the works of Beethoven, Berlioz, Wagner and others when they are led by a conductor who funct
"I find little in the works of Beethoven, Berlioz, Wagner and others when they are led by a conductor who functions like a windmill"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: I did not compose my work as one might put on a church vestment... rather it sprung from the truly fervent fai
"I did not compose my work as one might put on a church vestment... rather it sprung from the truly fervent faith of my heart, such as I have felt it since my childhood"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: A theatre receives recognition through its initiative, which is indispensable for first-rate performances
"A theatre receives recognition through its initiative, which is indispensable for first-rate performances"
Franz Liszt, Composer
Small: In music one must think with the heart and feel with the brain
George Szell
"In music one must think with the heart and feel with the brain"
George Szell, Composer
Small: Conductors must give unmistakable and suggestive signals to the orchestra - not choreography to the audience
George Szell
"Conductors must give unmistakable and suggestive signals to the orchestra - not choreography to the audience"
George Szell, Composer
Small: The ability to conduct is a gift of God with which few have been endowed in full measure
Anton Seidl
"The ability to conduct is a gift of God with which few have been endowed in full measure"
Anton Seidl, Musician
Small: Of course, experience strengthens one later
Anton Seidl
"Of course, experience strengthens one later"
Anton Seidl, Musician
Small: It is simple nonsense to speak of the fixed tempo of any particular vocal phrase. Each voice has its peculiari
Anton Seidl
"It is simple nonsense to speak of the fixed tempo of any particular vocal phrase. Each voice has its peculiarities"
Anton Seidl, Musician
Small: Musical practice is too young an art in America to warrant a search for men with a conductors gift
Anton Seidl
"Musical practice is too young an art in America to warrant a search for men with a conductor's gift"
Anton Seidl, Musician
Small: It always makes me sad when I think of how I saw Wagner wasting his vitality, not only by singing their parts
Anton Seidl
"It always makes me sad when I think of how I saw Wagner wasting his vitality, not only by singing their parts to some of his artists, but acting out the smallest details, and of how few they were who were responsive to his wishes"
Anton Seidl, Musician
Small: Conducting! A subject, truly, concerning which much might be written, yet scarcely anything of real importance
Anton Seidl
"Conducting! A subject, truly, concerning which much might be written, yet scarcely anything of real importance is to be found in books"
Anton Seidl, Musician
Small: We seek him here, we seek him there, Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? - Is he in hell? Th
Baroness Orczy
"We seek him here, we seek him there, Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? - Is he in hell? That damned, elusive Pimpernel?"
Baroness Orczy, Novelist
Small: A surging, seething, murmuring crowd of beings that are human only in name, for to the eye and ear they seem n
Baroness Orczy
"A surging, seething, murmuring crowd of beings that are human only in name, for to the eye and ear they seem naught but savage creatures, animated by vile passions and by the lust of vengeance and of hate"
Baroness Orczy, Novelist
Small: Composers are not all good conductors
Anton Seidl
"Composers are not all good conductors"
Anton Seidl, Musician
Small: Without energy life would be extinguished instantaneously, and the cellular fabric would collapse
"Without energy life would be extinguished instantaneously, and the cellular fabric would collapse"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: Whatever man does he must do first in his mind
"Whatever man does he must do first in his mind"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: Water is lifes matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water
"Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: This oxidation of hydrogen in stages seems to be one of the basic principles of biological oxidation
"This oxidation of hydrogen in stages seems to be one of the basic principles of biological oxidation"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: This celebration here tells me that this work is not hopeless. I thank you for this teaching with all my heart
"This celebration here tells me that this work is not hopeless. I thank you for this teaching with all my heart and lift my glass to human solidarity, to the ultimate victory of knowledge, peace, good-will and understanding"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: The source of this energy is the suns radiation
"The source of this energy is the sun's radiation"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: The real scientist is ready to bear privation and, if need be, starvation rather than let anyone dictate to hi
"The real scientist is ready to bear privation and, if need be, starvation rather than let anyone dictate to him which direction his work must take"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: The foodstuff, carbohydrate, is essentially a packet of hydrogen, a hydrogen supplier, a hydrogen donor, and t
"The foodstuff, carbohydrate, is essentially a packet of hydrogen, a hydrogen supplier, a hydrogen donor, and the main event during its combustion is the splitting off of hydrogen"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: So I set out to study the oxidation system in the potato, which, if damaged, causes the plant to turn brown.
"So I set out to study the oxidation system in the potato, which, if damaged, causes the plant to turn brown. I did this in the hope of discovering, through these studies, the key to the understanding of adrenal function"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure an
"Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: Investigations during the last few decades have brought hydrogen instead of carbon, and instead of CO2 water,
"Investigations during the last few decades have brought hydrogen instead of carbon, and instead of CO2 water, the mother of all life, into the foreground"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: I am the son of a small and far-away nation and the other laureates have all come from different countries fro
"I am the son of a small and far-away nation and the other laureates have all come from different countries from all over the world and we all were equally received here with signs of sympathy"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: Here we stand in the middle of this new world with our primitive brain, attuned to the simple cave life, with
"Here we stand in the middle of this new world with our primitive brain, attuned to the simple cave life, with terrific forces at our disposal, which we are clever enough to release, but whose consequences we cannot comprehend"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought
"Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody has thought
"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody has thought"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
Small: A vitamin is a substance that makes you ill if you dont eat it
"A vitamin is a substance that makes you ill if you don't eat it"
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Scientist
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