"Here we stand in the middle of this new world with our primitive brain, attuned to the simple cave life, with terrific forces at our disposal, which we are clever enough to release, but whose consequences we cannot comprehend"
- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
About this Quote
This quote by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi talks to the human condition in the modern world. We are living in a new world, with innovation and forces at our disposal that our primitive brains are not geared up to understand. We are smart enough to utilize these forces, but we are unable to understand the consequences of our actions. This quote functions as a pointer of the power of human ingenuity, however also of the possible threat of our lack of understanding. It is a warning to be conscious of the effects of our actions, and to be familiar with the power of the forces we have the ability to access. Szent-Gyorgyi's quote is a tip of the value of knowing the possible effects of our actions, and of the requirement to utilize our power properly.
"Life is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage"
"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday"