Famous quote by Ian Fleming

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A woman should be an illusion

"A woman should be an illusion"

- Ian Fleming

About this Quote

The quote "A woman ought to be an impression" by Ian Fleming can be analyzed in numerous ways, depending on the point of view of the reader. One possible analysis might recommend that ladies ought to have an air of secret about them, that makes them more alluring and fascinating. In this sense, a woman who is an "impression" would be seen as somebody who is intriguing, complex and difficult to understand, but still fascinating to be around. This interpretation can be troublesome, as it risks minimizing women to mere things of desire rather than individuals with unique personalities, thoughts and aspirations. Another way to approach this quote is to acknowledge that it reflects a sexist and out-of-date view of ladies, one that views them as passive, submissive and lacking agency. Ultimately, the worth of this quote depends upon the viewpoint of the reader, as well as their determination to interrogate it seriously.

About the Author

Ian Fleming This quote is written / told by Ian Fleming between May 28, 1908 and August 12, 1964. He was a famous Author from United Kingdom. The author also have 5 other quotes.

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