Famous quote by Billie Holiday

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All dope can do for you is kill you... the long hard way. And it can kill the people you love right along with you

"All dope can do for you is kill you... the long hard way. And it can kill the people you love right along with you"

- Billie Holiday

About this Quote

This poignant quote by Billie Holiday sheds light on the harmful nature of drug addiction, not only on the individual who consumes it however likewise on individuals around them. Holiday's use of the word "dope" refers broadly to narcotics and other addicting substances, and by stating that it "can do for you ... the long tough way," she highlights the slow yet inexorable damage drugs cause upon the user.

The expression "kill you ... the long difficult method" suggests a protracted and uncomfortable journey of decrease. Addiction typically leads to a steady erosion of one's health, spirit, relationships, and potential, rather than an immediate outcome. It is a presence filled with battle, where the person ends up being a shadow of their previous self, captured by the grip of dependency. This slow death incorporates physical health wear and tear, mental anguish, and the breakdown of social and familial ties.

Holiday extends the impact of addiction beyond the individual by stating that it can also "kill individuals you like right together with you." This line starkly highlights the collateral damage addiction wreaks on enjoyed ones. Friends and families often withstand psychological chaos, helplessness, and sorrow as they witness the improvement of somebody they appreciate. Relationships are often strained or damaged, as trust wears down and the addict's behavior becomes increasingly unpredictable and harmful.

Furthermore, the psychological and psychological toll on friends and family can manifest as secondary trauma. They might experience stress and anxiety, anxiety, or guilt as they grapple with their perceived inability to assist. In severe cases, it can likewise result in financial ruin and social seclusion for those included, especially if they end up being caretakers or enablers.

In essence, Holiday's quote functions as a warning and acknowledgment of the far-reaching consequences of dependency. It paints a vibrant picture of the "long difficult way" that addiction sculpts through lives, leaving a trail of damage that touches everyone in its path.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Billie Holiday between April 7, 1915 and July 17, 1959. He/she was a famous Musician from USA. The author also have 23 other quotes.

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