Famous quote by Craig Benson

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And, in the case of schools, or anything else, if you have something that is forcing you to do better than you did the d

"And, in the case of schools, or anything else, if you have something that is forcing you to do better than you did the day before, it makes you look forward and it makes you think in a way that's going to make the product better, which is the students and the education"

- Craig Benson

About this Quote

This quote by Craig Benson highlights the value of having something that motivates and presses us to improve. He particularly points out schools, but this principle can be used to any element of life. When we have something that challenges us to do much better than we did before, it produces a sense of anticipation and motivates us to think critically in order to produce a much better result. In the context of schools, this can refer to having high scholastic requirements or competitors among trainees. This frame of mind eventually benefits the end item, which in this case is the students and their education. It highlights the concept that continuous improvement is necessary for growth and success.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Craig Benson somewhere between October 8, 1954 and today. He was a famous Politician from USA. The author also have 12 other quotes.

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