Famous quote by Virginia Woolf

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As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world

"As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world"

- Virginia Woolf

About this Quote

This quote by Virginia Woolf talks to the concept of universal sisterhood and the idea that women are linked to each other regardless of their citizenship or background. Woolf is suggesting that ladies should not be limited by the borders of their nations, however instead should be joined in their shared experiences and battles. She is stressing the concept that ladies need to be seen as residents of the world, not just residents of their own countries. This quote is an effective tip that females need to not be confined by the constraints of their countries, however instead ought to be viewed as citizens of the world. Woolf's words are a call to action for ladies to come together and support each other, regardless of their citizenship or background. This quote is an effective pointer that ladies ought to be joined in their shared experiences and struggles, and that they need to be seen as residents of the world.

About the Author

Virginia Woolf This quote is written / told by Virginia Woolf between January 25, 1882 and March 28, 1941. She was a famous Author from United Kingdom. The author also have 73 other quotes.

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