Famous quote by Thomas Huxley

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Books are the money of Literature, but only the counters of Science

"Books are the money of Literature, but only the counters of Science"

- Thomas Huxley

About this Quote

This quote by Thomas Huxley is a metaphor comparing books to money. He is suggesting that books are the currency of literature, however just the tokens of science. In other words, books are the medium through which literature is revealed, however they are just a representation of scientific knowledge. Huxley is implying that books are not the source of scientific understanding, however rather a method to gain access to it. He is emphasizing the significance of books in the pursuit of knowledge, but likewise recommending that books are not the only way to acquire understanding. He is suggesting that science is a much more complicated and intricate field than literature, which books are just a little part of the process. By comparing books to money, Huxley is stressing the importance of books in the pursuit of understanding, however also suggesting that books are not the only method to gain understanding.

About the Author

Thomas Huxley This quote is written / told by Thomas Huxley between May 4, 1825 and June 29, 1895. He was a famous Scientist from England. The author also have 64 other quotes.

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