Famous quote by Oscar Wilde

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Everybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching

"Everybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching"

- Oscar Wilde

About this Quote

This quote by Oscar Wilde is a criticism of those who are not certified to teach, yet still try to do so. Wilde indicates that those who are unable to learn are rather trying to teach, which is a sign of their incompetence. He is suggesting that mentor is a skill that requires knowledge and understanding, and those who lack these qualities need to not be teaching. Wilde is likewise suggesting that those who are teaching without the required qualifications are not offering a great education to their students. He is recommending that mentor must be done by those who are experienced and capable of learning, as they will be able to provide a better education. This quote is a suggestion that teaching is a serious duty and ought to not be ignored.

About the Author

Oscar Wilde This quote is written / told by Oscar Wilde between October 16, 1854 and November 30, 1900. He was a famous Dramatist from Ireland. The author also have 166 other quotes.

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