Famous quote by Jackie Chan

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For me the greatest source of income is still movies. Nothing - stocks, financial speculation, real estate speculation o

"For me the greatest source of income is still movies. Nothing - stocks, financial speculation, real estate speculation or businesses - makes more money for me than making movies"

- Jackie Chan

About this Quote

In the quote by Jackie Chan, the prominent star stresses his unfaltering belief in and dependence on the movie market as his primary income. He unconditionally mentions that, for him, no other form of financial investment or organization endeavor-- be it stocks, financial speculation, real estate speculation, or other companies-- can measure up to the monetary returns that he gathers from making films.

This assertion about the movie industry highlights numerous essential elements. To start with, it highlights the significant earning capacity within the home entertainment sector, particularly for people like Chan who have actually established a strong brand and credibility. Having developed an effective career over years, Chan's participation in movies not just creates earnings through acting but likewise potentially through directing, producing, and ownership of intellectual property associated to his films.

Second of all, Chan's statement can be viewed as a testament to his expertise and proficiency in the movie industry, which he comprehends more deeply than other fields of financial investment. By concentrating on films, he is channeling his efforts into a location where he has intrinsic experience, influence, and passion, unquestionably maximizing his monetary results.

Additionally, Chan's quote implicitly contrasts the volatility and unpredictability of markets like stocks and property with the fairly steady and financially rewarding nature of his film career. His prioritization of earnings from films over monetary speculation suggests a preference for the tangible and innovative work he is taken part in compared to the typically unforeseeable returns from other kinds of investments.

Lastly, this statement also shows a broader commentary on personal fulfillment and the positioning of one's skills and passions with financial success. For Jackie Chan, making motion pictures is not almost the cash; it's likely deeply connected to his identity and individual fulfillment, allowing him to excel and subsequently obtain the greatest financial advantage.

About the Author

Jackie Chan This quote is written / told by Jackie Chan somewhere between April 7, 1954 and today. He was a famous Actor from China. The author also have 20 other quotes.

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